Emmanuel Emmanuel

Writing a postcard
intermediate level


n this lesson, students will learn how to write a short and engaging postcard by imagining themselves as high school exchange students in a foreign country of their choice. They will analyze the structure and language of postcards, focusing on informal tone, contractions, exclamation marks, and common expressions.


Main Aims

  • This lesson aims to help students write a short, informal postcard by understanding its structure, key features, and language style. They will learn to organize their writing into three sections—greeting, main message, and closing—while using informal language naturally. Through creative writing and peer feedback, students will improve their ability to express personal experiences and refine their work with guidance.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will develop reading comprehension by analyzing a sample postcard and improve speaking and listening skills through discussions. They will expand their vocabulary and grammar by recognizing informal language features and common phrases. Peer review will enhance critical thinking, while using Google Slides will strengthen their digital literacy skills.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Lesson Objectives: • Identify the structure and purpose of a postcard. • Recognize informal language features. • Write a short, engaging postcard using key phrases. Lesson Procedure 1. Lead-in (5 min) – Contextualizing the Lesson • Show students a picture of a travel destination. • Create a scenario where they imagine going back in time, making postcards relevant. • Elicit when and why people send postcards. • Briefly explain their purpose. • Use CCQs to check understanding: • Do we send postcards to strangers or to family and friends? (Family and friends) • Are postcards usually long or short? (Short) • Do we use formal or informal language in a postcard? (Informal)

Useful Language (10-15 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

2. Sample Analysis (15 min) a) Layout Analysis (7 min) • Show a sample postcard. • Have students identify and color-code different sections on Google Slides: 1. Greeting (e.g., Hi Emmanuel!) 2. Main Message 3. Closing (e.g., See you soon! Love, Maria.) • Go over the answers together so they see the correct layout. • Ask CCQs to reinforce understanding: • Where do we say who the postcard is for? (At the beginning – greeting) • Where do we describe what we are doing? (In the main message) • Where do we say goodbye? (At the end – closing) b) Language Analysis (8 min) • Ask students CCQs to explore informal language features. • Encourage participation and spontaneous answers. • Clarify doubts with follow-up questions. CCQs for Whole-Class Discussion 1. Identifying Informal Language • Is the language in a postcard formal or informal? (Informal) • Why is it informal? (Because it is written for friends or family, and it has a friendly tone.) • Would you use the same language in a business email? (No, because business emails are formal.) 2. Contractions • Which sentence sounds more natural in a postcard? a) I am having a great time in London. b) I’m having a great time in London! (b) • Why do we use contractions like “I’m” instead of “I am”? (Because they make the text sound more natural and friendly.) 3. Exclamation Marks • Which sentence sounds more exciting? a) The food is great. b) The food is great! (b) • Why do we use exclamation marks in postcards? (To show excitement, emotions, and enthusiasm.) • Can we use too many exclamation marks? (No, too many can make the text look exaggerated.) 4. Simple and Friendly Tone • Which sentence sounds more natural in a postcard? a) I am currently residing in London and experiencing cold weather. b) It’s so cold here! I miss the sunshine! (b) • Why do we use a simple and friendly tone? (Because postcards are personal messages, not formal reports.) 5. Common Phrases • Which of these phrases would you find in a postcard? a) Having a great time in London! b) I am writing to inform you about my travels. c) Wish you were here! d) The purpose of this letter is to describe my experience. • Why do we use short, common phrases? (Because postcards are meant to be quick and easy to read.)

Productive Task(s) (14-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

3. Writing Task (15 min) • Create a Google Slides template for students to write their own postcards. • Provide this prompt: • Imagine you are studying abroad in your dream country. Write a postcard to a family member or friend. Tell them about your experience, what you love, and what you miss about home. Student Writing Checklist: Students should include: 1. Choosing a Destination • Ask: If you could study abroad anywhere, where would you go? • Have them pick a country and think about: • The city they are living in. • The culture, food, and weather. • What they have been doing there. 2. Writing the Postcard • A greeting, main message, and closing. • Informal and friendly language. • At least two key phrases. • Clear and engaging content.

Feedback and Error Correction (9-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

4. Feedback (10 min) – Peer Review • Pair students for peer feedback. • Provide a checklist for reviewing a classmate’s postcard: • Does it have a greeting, main message, and closing? • Is the language informal and friendly? • Are there at least two key phrases? • Is the postcard clear and easy to understand? • Students write positive comments and suggestions. • The teacher checks each postcard and highlights mistakes with DEC. 5. Wrap-up (1 min) – Whole-Class Reflection Use CCQs to reinforce key takeaways: • Do we write long, detailed sentences in a postcard? (No, we write short, simple sentences.) • Do we use complex vocabulary? (No, we use simple and friendly words.) • Do we write formally like in an email? (No, postcards are informal.)

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