lais lais

Copy of So/such ...(that) clauses to express a consequence- TP3
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn so/such ...(that) clauses to express a consequence through PPP approach based on model sentences that are extracts from the previous lesson’s reading text and other techniques, particularly mimes and gestures to elicit the meaning. It will be followed by an exercise from the book in which students will match causes (so/such clauses) with their effects and T will ask CCQs at FB stage for further clarification on the meaning. Eventually, grammatical forms of the sentences will be represented below and a certain pattern of pronounciation will be used to drill. It will be followed up with various types of controlled grammar practice and a freer type of speaking session in the context.


Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Multiple Choice handout
Abc Speaking Questions Handout
Abc Matching Handout
Abc Gap-fill handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of so/such...(that) clauses to express a consequence in the context of Air travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of Air travel
  • To provide process and product writing practice of a report in the context of Personal experiences of Air travel using "so/such ...(that)" clauses


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1) T will use mimes&gesture to elicit the meaning of the grammar context (so/such provide extreme meaning to adjectives and adverbs) 1st stage: T will do a gesture to imply that she is holding a ball and ask Ss to elicit the answers: “It is a big ball.” or “It is a small ball.” Then T will say: OK. It is a big ball then. Then T will make it bigger and elicit the answer: It is very big Then T will make it extremely big and elicit the answer: It is so big. [emphasis on so] Then T will write “I can’t carry it.” On WB and ask Ss:”What’s the reason for that?” (Because the ball is so big.) 2) Another role playing through mimes&gestures to elicit: Tired Very tired So tired, in turn. 3) T will remind students of the last two stories of the reading from the previous lesson by asking CCQs: e.g. * What is the mystery about the roasted chicken smell on the plane? Is roasted chicken really served on the plane? (no) * Why do the passengers think so, then? (because of the smell) * How keen/strong is the smell? (very/so) * Is it really strong, then? (yes) The same procedure for the other story and the sentence extract. Finally, T will write them on WB in the form of Cause and Effect division

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1) T will give students a matching handout in which they will match causes (so/such clause) with their relevant effects. PW 2) T will project the sentences via PPT for FB and further clarification through CCQs: e.g. Why did we feel sick? (because of the bumpy flight) How bumpy was it? (so bumpy) Did we manage to go to the airport on time? (Yes) How did we manage that? (Taxi driver drove so quickly) Was it very quickly or so quickly? (so quickly) [emphasis on so] Did we miss our flight? (nearly) What was the reason for that? (so much traffic) Was it great amount of traffic, then? (yes) [emphasis on great] Why do we want to go back to the hotel? (such a great hotel) How good was the hotel? Very good or so good? (So good) Why didn’t we enjoy the holiday? (such terrible weather) How bad was the weather? Very bad or so bad? (so bad. It was terrible) Why couldn’t I sleep? (such uncomfortable seats) How uncomfortable were the seats? Very uncomfortable or so uncomfortable? (So uncomfortable)

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

After eliciting and clarifying the meaning through the procedure above , T will use the model sentences on WB again via PPT and write down their grammatical forms below each sentence to teach various usages. * Grammatical form: So+adjective So+noun So much/so many+noun Such+a/an+adjective+singular countable noun Such+adjective+uncountable noun Such+adjective+countable noun * Stress and pronounciation: The flight was so bumpy (that) we all felt sick. WC Pronounciation step by step: e.g. bumpy>>>so bumpy>>>The flight was so bumpy>>>The flight was so bumpy that>>>we all felt sick … and so on.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1) T will give Ss the gap-fill handout to work in pairs to discuss and analyse their responses. During T will monitor them and take notes for WCFB error correction for important mistakes. T will write the answers on WB: 2.such etc. 2)T will give Ss multiple choice handout to work in groups of three to discuss and analyse their answers in terms of grammatical form. During T will monitor them and take notes for WCFB error correction for important mistakes. T will write the answers on WB.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

* T will tell students to work individually and write down some (min 3) of their travelling experiences in general (by plane, by bus ... ) using the grammatical form they have just learnt. * As an initiator T will tell an anectode relating to cultural awareness + Provide them some Qs (ex 4, Workbook) for inspiration. BTW, T will monitor Ss and take notes of some common mistakes for WCFB

Free Practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss will have a freed short speaking session and they will share their experiences they have just written down orally in groups of 4. T will monitor and if there is time left ask groups to share an interesting experience they have just heard.

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