Claire Luxford Claire Luxford

TP4 technology, social media and the present simple: negative
Beginner level


In this lesson the Ss will practicing using the simple present tense in negative form to talk about technology and social media. They will do a gist listening exercise to get exposure to the target language. The teacher will use a guided discovery format to elicit the meaning of the target language. The students will complete a controlled practice and then a semi-controlled practice in the form of a boardgame that encourages them to speak about their relationship to technology and social media.


Abc Gap-fill handout from Straightforward Beginner
Abc Listening task 'tick the box' handout from Straightforward Beginner
Abc Are these sentences positive or negative? Teacher- made HO
Abc 'I have a ... ' board game teacher-made adaptation from Straightforward Beginner Teacher's Book

Main Aims

  • To get the students to practice using the simple present in negative form as well as and/but conjunctions

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the context for the lesson/listening through a brief discussion of technology and social media habits

T projects a set of images of different gadgets and social media platforms on the WB. Ss in pairs identify them and discuss how many of them they have/use. T takes FB eg who's partner has Facebook? who has more than five of these?

Gist listening task (3-5 minutes) • To introduce Ss to the TL of simple present in negative form

T quickly sets context: We are going to listen to three conversations. There are two people talking. What do you think they are talking about? T chests HO: listen and if you hear the word put a tick next to it. ICQs: are we writing long sentences? can we unfold the paper? Ss check their answers in pairs then look at AK

Clarification of TL (5-10 minutes) • To clarify the TL of simple present in negative form and and/but conjuctions

T chests HO. Here are some sentences about technology. Have a look at them with your partner and decide whether they are positive, negative or both positive and negative. Ss discuss sentences on the HO T puts some of the sentences on the WB Clarification: Meaning: What was number one? Why? How do we know it is negative? What was number 5? Why? Is this correct (puts on WB) 'I have a computer but I have Facebook' (why/why not?) Form: Is this correct? 'he doesn't uses a digital camera?' Pronunciation: T drills 'don't' and 'doesn't' briefly and drills a few sentences so Ss can identify/practice the correct sentence stress Form:

Controlled practice: gap-fill (4-6 minutes) • To practice the simple present negative form

T chests HO Here are some sentences, fill in the blanks ICQ: can you open the paper? Ss check in pairs then look at AK

Semi-controlled practice: board game (10-12 minutes) • To get the Ss to practice using the simple present in the negative form

T groups Ss into groups of 3 or 4 depending on numbers. T puts board game sheet on WB. Instructions/demo: - choose a colour - rolls dice, moves piece etc (Facebook = I don't have Facebook = go back 2) - What does 'miss a turn' mean? (skip) - What about 'Oops, you dropped your smartphone! Go back to the start! Can I just say 'Facebook, yes'? If I have it do I go forward or back? Ss play game T monitors and notes any errors (looking for problems identified in LA eg 'I not have') T takes some FB on content (who won? etc? Does N have an Ipad? etc) Delayed error correction on WB

If time: speaking practice 'line up in order of who has the most apps/gadgets' (5-8 minutes) • To practice using the present simple in negative form and asking questions using 'do you have'

T draws line on the WB to indicate spectrum. Instructions: On this side is the people who have Facebook, Instagram, a laptop, a smartphone etc. Draws a love heart maybe On this side we have the people who don't have so many things 'gesture to indicate not caring.' In the middle 'oh I have Fb but I don't have Instagram so I will stand here' Talk to each other Ask 'do you have ...?' Then make a line. If I have a lot of things, where do I stand? Can I just say 'I love technology, I'll stand here? Maybe demo with a couple of students so they understand the part about asking rather than just walking straight to a spot.

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