Unit 12 Lesson 6
Grade 1 level
Main Aims
Students will be able to differentiate between the short vowel sounds accurately.
Subsidiary Aims
Vocabulary: hat, red, kid, hot, sun.
Procedure (39-50 minutes)
Play a warm up video during this time teacher will arrange the desks a bit closer together than normal.
Review the vowel sounds. Practice saying them. Review words that they remember that have the taret language. Give a star to those that do.
Play the mega video of all the vowels.
Play Sound it out Mystery Box.
Play mother may I? game Students try to take large steps to get near enough to person with the tail in order to steal the tail. The sitting students will need to sound out the letter cards the teacher shows them, the students standing must say the word before their step can be accepted.
Slap the board. The Teacher will call some words that have the target sound and then students will need to slap the screen for the vowel sound they think is in the teachers have said. Then they will stry to sound out the word out loud.