Daphne Daphne

Unit 12 Lesson 3
Grade 1 level


Students will learn to express their opinions on the invitations extended to them.


Abc 15 small dice
Abc Pair Work Placemat
Abc Flashcards
Abc PowerPoint Presentation

Main Aims

  • Review of the previous 2 periods.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Review Grammar Let's ... | Great idea ! | No, thank you.
  • Review Vocabulary: fly a kite, make a cake, play a game, paint a picture, play football, read a book, sing a song, write a story.


Warm Up Video (2-4 minutes) • To get students focused and ready to learn

Allow students to get their wiggles out while the teacher prepares the props

Review (8-10 minutes) • To bring current target language of the unit to the forefront of student's minds.

Review all of the vocabulary with their actions. Drill with the Monster Swap game.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Play a pre-recorded video with children talking about what they should do.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Play a mother may I game. The coteacher has a belt with a tail on facing the wall/ students sitting. The sitting students will make the Let's sentence off the flash card the teacher is holding. The students standing will need to check the card to see if it's a positive statement or negative. If the card is positive and the students say Great idea! they move forward. If Students standing say Yes, idea they will be out. If the students see a negative structure they will say No, thanks you. but if they try to take a step they will be out. If students say no idea they will also be out. The students standing must take as big of a (single) step as they can to try and get to the co-teacher's tail and pull it off first.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Play Whole class sonic. This is the four corner power point game from Tay's Teaching Toolkit.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Play Period 2's placemat board game again but swap the pictures so that students don't have the same situations. Should also swap should any of the students finish it.

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