Unit 12 Lesson 1
Grade 1 level
Main Aims
Students will be able to confidently ask people to join them in simple activities
Subsidiary Aims
Grammar: Let’s …
Vocabulary: fly a kite, make a cake, paint a picture, play a game
Procedure (36-48 minutes)
Play a dance video
Introduce vocabulary phrases. Practice pronunciation of phrases, paint a picture is particularly difficult. Add actions for each phrase. Play Dodge Bombs Students will do the actions that the teacher calls until they hear bomb then they must quickly put their heads on the table.
Add Let's to the words to make sentences. Drill Students make the sentences and do the actions. Give points for the teams to encourage them unless one team stands out or not if some students aren't participating.
Play Mystery box keep or throw.
Play Four corners, Sonic Edition Use the modified power point from Tay's Teaching toolkit
Pair Work Play Tug of War! Use the pair work placemat for students to try and bring the peice to their side. Students roll the dice to move the peice towrds themselves.