Unit 9 Lesson 4
Grade 1 level
Main Aims
Students will be able to talk about the clothes of their friends with colours
Subsidiary Aims
Vocabulary: Dress, hat, shirt, skirt, t-shirt.
Grammar: what color is her/his shirt? It's green.
Procedure (37-49 minutes)
Play a dance video for students to burn energy and clean up.
Review clothes this is my/your Play a side to side game Students swing their arms to the right answer Review his /her pronouns. Play popcorn: if the teacher says his everyone points to a boy. If the teacher says her, students point to a girl
Play a video about colors from elf learning on YouTube. Introduce new structure. Go around the class asking about student clothes. What color is his shirt? It's red.
Play a choose your prize game Three students are called to play each round. The winner can choose which hexagon to open. If they find a happy bee they get stars.
Play slap the board. On the board 4 pictures appear. 2 boys and 2 girls with one boy and one girl in the correct color of clothing. 3 students will play at a time. The teacher will read the question that appears and the students sitting will read the answer. The fastest of the three will standing get the mystery box.
Play a lucky number game Have a cup with the student numbers written on popsicle sticks. One student will choose a stick then try to find the matching student and ask A question. The student that answers first picks the next number