Claire Luxford Claire Luxford

TP2 Family and possessive 's
Beginner level


In this lesson, the Ss will learn the use of possessive 's. They will do some controlled practice in the form of some grammar exercises. They will do some freer practice of using possessive 's as well as family and ages vocab through a PW exercise where they ask each other questions about a family tree.


Abc Grammar Exercise HO from Straightforward Beginner pg 35
Abc HO from Face2Face Starter Ts Book pg 119-120

Main Aims

  • To learn the use of possessive 's and be able to use it in functional language to ask about relationships between family members

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice speaking using jobs, ages and family vocab


Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set the context for the lesson by quickly reviewing family vocab and introducing the possessive 's

T asks a few Ss about their families 'who has a brother?' etc T draws family tree for the 'Murphy Family' (the one from the HO/reading that they have done in the previous lesson) outline on WB. Ss identify which name goes where on the tree .

Possessive 's presentation and controlled practice (10-15 minutes) • To introduce Ss to possessive 's and do some controlled practice

T writes some marker sentences adapted from the reading (which Ss did in previous lesson about the Murphy family) on the WB eg 'Sean is Michael's son. Jennifer is Michael's wife' The family tree needs to still be on the WB too. Maybe also does a demo by taking a pen from a student and saying 'this is x's pen' T differentiates between 'is' contraction and possessive 's by writing the sentence 'She's Michael's wife' underlining each 's and asking 'same or different?' Why? A sentence like 'He's Claire's student' may also help. T writes 'This is my grandparents' house' and explains by saying 'how many grandparents?' so the ' goes after the s. Also do an example using 'Jess' so 'This is Jess' house.' T shows grammar HO. T points and says/indicates 'number one, fill in the blanks' and 'number two: make sentences' and demos one on the board.' T indicates for students to work individually and monitors. Ss check their answers in pairs T gets some FB/goes through some/most/all of the answers depending on how difficult they found it.

Possesive 's and functional language speaking task (15-20 minutes) • To practice using the possessive 's and the functional language and vocab for jobs, family and ages

T refers back to WB and elicits answers from Ss' What questions can we ask about Michael? T writes on WB: A: What's Michael's wife's name? B: Her name is ________ A: What's Michael's job? B: He's a/n _____ What's Michael's son's name? How old is Michael? Teacher shows HOs 'some information is missing (points to blanks) with your partner, ask about the information eg What's Barry's wife's name?' Demo with one student by giving them the opposite paper and asking a question. Remind Ss not to show the paper. Leave questions on WB as support. Possible ICQs Can you show the paper? T hands out papers to each pair (those seated next to each other) to ensure each member of the pair has a different paper. Ss ask each other the questions Ss check in pairs T gets FB by asking 'Who is a doctor? What's Richard's wife's name?' etc and does some delayed error correction on the WB

(If time) Speaking and using functional language interview task (10-12 minutes) • To get Ss to practice asking and answering questions about their families

T asks students to find out three things about each person's family and write them down. T puts support questions on board 'do you have a brother?' Are you married? alongside existing Qs from previous task. ICQs, How many things? Ss mingle and ask each other the Qs and write down T does FB and error correction if time

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