Ahmadzirakghazani Ahmadzirakghazani

Present Simple
Elementary, A1 A2 level


In this lesson, students will learn simple present tense, required verb conjugations, and its Wh questions. The teaching begins and finishes with learners' speaking. Moreover, listening skill is also integrated in order to give controlled practice.


Abc WB
Abc Worksheet adapted from face2face Elementary Student's book
Abc Audio recording adapted from face2face elemenatry

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Present Simple in the context of Personal Story of daily routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • Integrated Skills (listening and speaking)


Exposure (2-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T tells a story by showing a picture on the screen. "Joe wakes up everyday at 7.30. He gets up at 7.45. He has a shower, brushes his teeth and puts on his clothes. His leaves his house at 8.15. He walks to the bus stop and waits for the number 500 bus." story was adapted from Scrivener (2010, p.102) Scrivener, J. (2010). Teaching English Grammar. London: Macmillan.

Lead-in & Elicitation (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context, engage students, and elicit forms

T shows a PPT slide (1) on which these questions are written: "When do you get up? " "When do you have breakfast?" Next, Ss discuss their answers in pairs. (T must specify a partner for each student first). Finally, some of the answers are elicited.

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

After elicitation, some of the students' answers are put on the WB.

Clarification (MFP) (5-9 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: T ask the CCQs about the questions on the board. "He works in the bank", Has he got a job? (yes) What is his job? (bank officer, employee) Does he work there on Monday? (yes, probably) Tuesday? Wednesday? , etc. Is he in the bank now? (Possibly, we don't know) "She plays tennis." "What sport does she like?" (tennis) Does she play often? (probably) Is she playing football now? (Possibly, but we don't know) Form: T takes ss attention to structure of affirmative sentences and wh- questions (part of speech and their conjugation difference) for different pronouns. As far as the irregular forms are concerned, T takes ss's attention to most common verbs like "does, has, goes". T also superficially explains that -ies replaces y when the base form ends in a consonant followed by y. Pronunciation: T gives backward repetition drill for the written sentences as well as for "He finishes at 11 o'clock."

Controlled Practice (Reading inference + listening for details) (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T asks students to do exercise 7 (a). They will need to make guesses. T models the first question. Afterwards, teacher says " listen to this dialogue and choose the correct answers". Having answered the questions, ss check their answers with their partners. In the end, teacher asks for the correct answers and provides them on the screen.

Semi-Controlled Practice (2-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T gives the HOs an asks ss "write six sentences about you. Use the words from the box."

Mingle activity: Snowball fight (3-6 minutes) • This stage gives Ss the chance of checking and sharing their information by speaking.

Ss stand up and mingle to share information about themselves until they find someone who has written the same 3 things.

Free Practice (4-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Teacher time gives ss time to put the words in the correct order. Then, the T divides students into 4 person groups in order to answer the questions.

Feedback on free practice (1-2 minutes) • It gives ss the chance of noticing and correcting ill formed structures.

After writing down the incorrect structures, T puts the incorrect forms on the board and asks volunteers to correct them.

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