Unit 6 Lesson 6
Grade 1 level
Main Aims
Imrpove student's understanding of the phonetics in English.
Subsidiary Aims
Phonic Sounds: V, W, X, Y and Z
Vocabulary: Violin, Wall, Box, Yoghurt, Zebra
Procedure (34-46 minutes)
Play a dance video for students to enjoys and work out some of their energy.
Introduce pronunciation as singular letters. Elicit students to do the same. Introduce Words that start or clearly demonstrate target sounds. Have students repeat in chorus and individually. Play a Monster Swap Drill Game.
Play the Pink Fong video off YouTube that is for this sound set.
Check words students remember from the video. Play longest breath. Play with 3 students. These students will stand facing the class and will try to say the word on the teacher's flash card for the longest time. The winner will receive two stars but the losers will only receive one. The students cannot stop or take a breath while saying the word or it will be cheating, have the sitting students help monitor to keep the game fair.
Rainbow Race In the power point there will be a set off monsters lined up on a rainbow. After saying the target vocab correctly the students pick a line on the rainbow and place their hands on it. The winner is the student who picked the fastest monster.
Play the Cootie Catcher Collection. Fold the cootie catchers found in the power point. Each pair needs one and the worksheet to write their answers. Students will follow the instructions on the pair work page to collect words. To Play: One student will choose and word on the outside of the catcher. Then the students will sound out the word while shifting the catcher. Once the number is reached from the last step the student will choose another number inside the catcher to open and collect the inside letter. On the place mat they then cover and say the vocab they choose.