Class Introduction
Advanced level

Main Aims
To introduce the syllabus.
Subsidiary Aims
To connect course goals to personal goals, and to connect course goals to assessments.
Procedure (36-50 minutes)
Brief introduction of all the people in the class. Go around the room, having students say "My name is ___, and I like ____." "His/her name is ___, his/her name is ___, my name is ___. and I like ____." Alternative: Stand in a circle. Toss the ball, saying your name and the recipient's name.
Display a concept map with major goals. Elicit ideas about what smaller objectives would relate to these, and how they might be accomplished.
Students write down answers to these questions: 1. What are your goals? 2. What do you think you'll need to learn to be a successful writer in college? 3. How do you think these goals will be accomplished?
Hand out syllabus. Have them highlight the sections we will discuss. Then ask questions and let them provide the answers by referring to the syllabus.
Individually: Have students compare their lists with the course goals/activities, listing the differences between their expectations and the goals and activities listed in the course. In Pairs: Have students compare lists and see if they had the same expectations.
Elicit from students any course goals that are unexpected. Elicit from students any personal goals that are not included in the course. Tell students they must buy the book, bring a loose-leaf binder to class each day, and log into Harvey.