Daphne Daphne

Unit 6 lesson Lesson
Grade 1 level


Students will learn about prepositions


Abc Flashcards
Abc Power Point Presentation
Abc A0 board display
Abc Furniture Peices

Main Aims

  • Students can find and describe correct placement in one room using prepositions

Subsidiary Aims

  • Review words: bedroom, bathroom, livingroom, kitchen, bed, shower, cupboard, tv, tub, table, sofa, lamp,
  • New words: in, on, under, next to,
  • New Grammar: The bed is next to the lamp.


Warm up Video (2-4 minutes) • To focus students in preparation for learning

Play a dance video easy enough for students to use

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To help students connect the previous lesson to this lesson's vocals and grammar

Review last lesson. Short tornado furniture an object spins around a house until it stops in a room which students use to make the sentence answer. Introduce prepositions

Highlight. (3-6 minutes) • To show case target language.

Play on in under by song from YouTube. Play twice for kids to learn actions.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for free practice

Play bomb game. Students move their hands to show the actions the teacher called. Play with 3 students. Each will have a box and a ball. They need to be the first to put the ball in the right spot and make the sentence. Roll the dice for the winner's stars.

Semi controlled practice (8-10 minutes) • To get students further prepared for free practice.

Students will add the structure and fill in the preposition blank. Roll a dice for the winner of 3 students. Students will increase difficulty and now need to fill in the two furniture blanks when given the preposition and a picture. Play dragon race. Each team will take turns answering questions. If the students answer correctly they spin the wheel to move their dragon forward. Reach the finish line to win.

Final Practice (4-6 minutes) • To ensure students understand target language and it's usage.

Play house fixer. The teacher will have an Ao print out of 4 rooms in the house. She will then have students make sentences as she puts furniture around the house. Students go to sleep and an earthquake happens that knocks out one piece down. If any student can remember where it was they will get 2 stars. If they can't they can make another sentence to place the furniture again.

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