Family members
Beginner level level
Main Aims
Students will be better able to talk and describe their family members.
Students will be better able to use the Possessive Adjectives to describe their family members.
Subsidiary Aims
Students will be better able to develop their speaking and listening skills through different activities.
Procedure (31-46 minutes)
T will start the lesson by showing a picture of their family and asking Ss what they see in this picture and who they are. Then T will elicit responses (e.g., "brother, father, mother, etc").
T will play a video describing family members and their relationship. T will ask Ss if they can talk about a member of this family and ask if they need to watch the video one more time. T will ask each Ss to talk about one member of this family.
T will display on the smartboard a family tree diagram and T will start to drill pronunciation of the new words and ask Ss to repeat after them to correct production and to aid memorization.
T will put the Ss in pairs, T will ask students to question each other and answer the following questions: How big is your family?, How many brothers and sisters do you have?, Are you an only child?, Do you have younger or older brothers/sisters?, Who is the oldest person in your family?.., etc. Then the T will ask each pair to read their answers to the class. Then T will give each Ss a worksheet of a family tree to fill out.
T will write some of the incorrect sentences on the WB and ask Ss to correct them while T explains the correct answer.