Listening Tuesday March 25
A1-B1 Vets level
Main Aims
Students can recognize and understand connectors (e.g., "because," "however," "therefore," "in addition") in spoken English.
Subsidiary Aims
Students take structured notes while listening and correctly identify how connectors are used.
Procedure (50-60 minutes)
Board Activity: Write four sentences missing connectors and have students complete them. Example: "The dog is not eating, ___ we should run some tests." "I recommended a special diet, ___ the owner refused." Pair Discussion: "Which connectors do you use most in Spanish? Are they similar in English?" Pre-listening Vocabulary: Review key veterinary words they will hear (e.g., diagnosis, symptoms, treatment) and common connectors in professional conversations.
First Listening Task – General Understanding Audio Clip 1: A veterinarian explaining a treatment plan to a pet owner, using at least five connectors (e.g., "however," "so," "therefore"). Task: After listening once, students answer: "What was the conversation about?" "What problem did the pet have?" "What was the veterinarian’s recommendation?"
Second Listening Task – Identifying Connectors Activity 1: Gap-Fill Exercise Students receive a partial transcript of the audio with missing connectors. They listen and fill in the blanks. Example: "The cat has been losing weight, ___ we need to check for parasites." "The owner doesn’t want surgery, ___ we suggested medication instead." Activity 2: Connector Sorting Students underline all the connectors they hear and categorize them: Cause & Effect (because, therefore, so) Contrast (however, but, although) Addition (in addition, also, furthermore)
Pair Work: One student plays the "client" and describes a pet’s symptoms. The other plays the "veterinarian" and summarizes the audio clip’s treatment advice, using at least three connectors. Switch roles after 5 minutes. Class Discussion: What connectors did you hear most? How do they help make speech more natural?
Instructor highlights common mistakes and reinforces strategies for listening to connectors (e.g., recognizing pauses, intonation shifts). Students set one personal goal for improving their listening skills