Unit 9 Lesson 6
Grade 2 level
Main Aims
Students will accurately be able to pronounce and spell words with the long vowel a and the magic e
Subsidiary Aims
Target Vocabulary: cake, snake, game
Procedure (34-46 minutes)
A short Dance Video
Show new words on the board, demonstrate and elicit the pronunciation using a "sound it out" strategy. Ask for any other words the students might know that follow the rule.
Play a Video of the CVCE A from ABC English. Have students attempt to sing along.
Play a game Word Building. Students need to build the words using the phonetic blocks hung on the board. The teacher will call the words using the sound it out strategy, the first to build the word and say it is the winner.
Race to the middle. Students will race to say the words to the middle of the line. When they meet in the middle they RPS and the looser sits down. The Winner challenges another and play continues until one side makes it to the other. Give one star for each challenge lost and 10 for each challenge won.
Roll and read. Use the partner placemats for CVCE A families. Students roll a dice and then say the words that are listed in that row.