Unit 9 Lesson 4
Grade 2 level
Main Aims
Students will be able to use comparative adjectives in a simple manner.
Subsidiary Aims
Review Animals: crocodile, elephant, giraffe, hippo, lion, monkey, snake, tiger, zebra
Review Adjectives: small – big, slow – quick, young – old, long – short
Grammar: The snake is longer.
Procedure (33-45 minutes)
A short video students can dance along with.
Review Animal and Adjectives from last period. The snake is long. Play a short spinner game.
Play a song for students to listen then again to try and sing the song. This is the short, shorter, short, shorter song. The words are prominently displayed so the students can listen to the song and try to mimic the structures.
Play a sentence ordering game. Three players will try to put a sentence in order that only has an animal and an adjective. The adjective card is seperated out to help students remember to put it in the sentence.
Play the Tower Master Cup Game Students will all say the sentence to the best of their abilities using the power point slide. Then the students will be given 10 seconds to build a tower using popsicle sticks and cups. If they can get their tower to be five levels first they are the winner.
Play RPS War Each student will be given 3 tickets. On those tickets there is and animal and an adjective. Students each choose one card to lay down for their "bet" then students RPS and the winner make the sentence with the two animals and the comparative form of the adjective.