Speaking Monday March 24
A1-B1 Vets level
Main Aims
Develop fluency in discussing past experiences using the past simple tense.
Subsidiary Aims
Use appropriate vocabulary to describe personal experiences and reactions to a story.
Procedure (84-90 minutes)
Show a picture of a dog and ask: “Have you ever had a pet? How did you meet them?” Elicit a few responses and introduce "The Dog Who Came to Stay". Discuss the importance of storytelling in everyday conversations.
Task 1: Guided Speaking Activity (20 minutes) Pair Work: Students read a short summary aloud. Vocabulary Discussion: Introduce key past simple verbs and phrases (e.g., met, stayed, felt, left). Mini Role-Play: One student plays the role of the storyteller, and the other asks questions about what happened Task 2: Free Discussion (30 minutes) Small Groups: Discuss the following prompts: Have you ever taken care of an animal in need? What’s the most surprising experience you’ve had with an animal? How do you think animals affect people’s emotions? Classwide Sharing: Each group shares an interesting response. Task 3: Students create and share a "Two-Minute Personal Story" about a time they helped or encountered an animal. Provide sentence starters for those who need them: "One day, I saw a..." "At first, I felt..." "In the end, it was..."
Students answer: “What new words or phrases did you use today?” Instructor Feedback: Highlight common mistakes and praise strong speaking skills.