Nurfaldillah Nurfaldillah

TP2 Time and Money~Asking and answering questions
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will be given the opportunity to practise asking and answering about prices or/and time. Students will be working in pairs and groups to put the language into practise. They will do a controlled practise saying some different times and prices/ Next they will do a freer practice and take turns to roleplay to buy movie tickets from each other. During the activity, students will be expected to also practise their listening skills.


Abc HO2: Role-play: Ticket seller and customer
Abc Time & Money Powerpoint
Abc HO1: Practise saying time and prices (in threes)

Main Aims

  • To give practice for students to ask and answer questions about time and prices using the correct structure

Subsidiary Aims

  • To allow students to use their listening and speaking skills when asking and answering questions about time and prices


Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To engage students about the topic and get them to recall lexis from the previous lesson through a quick w/c activity

T shows a picture of two people at the cinema. T elicits the topic from Ss by asking questions about the picture. Topic~ Movie. T gets Ss to work in pairs to discuss about the picture and if they notice anything wrong with the question and answer. The man shown is asking the ticket seller a question about time (what time is the movie?) and the ticket seller reply with a wrong answer. (He says $7.50). T asks Ss why it's important to ask and answer accurately. Next, T shows Ss pictures of different times (analog and digital) and prices (products, tickets, etc). T gets Ss to say these times and prices aloud. At the start, T does the drilling activity as w/c. T then nominates some students to say the answers aloud.

Using the TL in controlled practice: Asking and answering questions about time and prices (10-15 minutes) • To give practice for students to say the different times and prices

T begins the first task. Tr uses the chart on the w/b (HO: Student A, Student B & Student C) to explain to Ss on what they need to do. T elicits from Ss the meaning of 'say' and 'hear'. T puts Ss in groups of 3 by numbering them 1, 2 and 3. T gives HO1 to students. T selects 2 Ss and demonstrates to the class on how to do the task. T checks Ss understanding with ICQ. T: Do we look at our papers and hear or look at our friend's face? T: Do we need to say anything? Ss are given 5 minutes to complete the task in threes. T walks around the class to monitor Ss' learning and make notes of any correction for FB. FB: T writes common errors on the w/b and elicit from Ss the correct answers.

Freer Practice (10-18 minutes) • To allow opportunities for students to make decisions about a given context and use TL accurately

T shows Ss a picture of a recent movie and gets Ss to talk about it as w/c. T then tells Ss that they are going to do a role-play. T elicits from Ss the meaning of role-play. T tells Ss that they are going to act as 'ticket sellers' or 'customers'. In the role-play Ss have to choose which movie they want to go to and use TL to buy movie tickets. T shows HO2 and uses sock puppets to demonstrate the role-play procedure. T shows Ss how they are going to stand for this activity. T explains that when the light is switched off, all activities must stop (Ss should stop talking). T explains the movement for the activity and demonstrates. Ss will be numbered '1' and '2'. Number 1 will be the ticket seller and Number 2s the customer. All the Number 1s will stand to form a inner circle and all the number 2 will form the outer circle. They will stand face to face. Once time is up, all the Number 1s will move to their right to work with another partner. Ss are given 8 minutes to do this activity. T walks around the circle to facilitate and note down errors. FB: Ss go back to their seats and T does a w/c feedback, getting Ss to discuss about the errors and correcting them.

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