Unit 9 Lesson 1
Grade 2 level
Main Aims
Students will be able to recylce the language for Can a bird sing? to speak about more animals. They will also be able to expand their verb vocabulary.
Subsidiary Aims
New Words: crocodile, elephant, giraffe, hippo, lion, monkey, snake, tiger, zebra.
Structure: Can a hippo run? Yes, it can./ No, it can't.
Reveiw: verbs such as dance, sing, run, sleep, sit, climb, eat, drink...
Procedure (34-46 minutes)
Play a dancing video to get students moving.
Review Verbs Play 3 strikes to see the verbs they already know. As the games progresses make sure to write the verbs on the board.
Introduce Animals Check pronunciation and understanding.
Review the structure. Use Structure to play Mother May I style One student is it and they have a belt on with a tail. The teacher will call a question on the power point screen. The standing students must answer. If the question's answer is Yes, it is. the standing students will be allowed to take a step. They can take big steps or small steps. If the answer is No, it can't. the students can not step and if the belted player sees them try to the player is out. The first to grab the tail off the belt is the winner.
Play the moving cup castle 3 players will move the pyramid of cups from table to the other one at a time. The students must repeat the answer for each cup they move. For good classes there can be an add step which there are 2 players on one team and one makes the question and the other answers to move the cup.
Students will use a spinner to make the questions and answers. Play Hoop elimination. Put out hoops on either side for Yes, it can and No, it can't. The spinner will stop and the students sitting will call the question to the students standing. The students standing must step into a hoop inthe correct answer's side. Anyone who could not get a hoop will become a student sitting. Remove a hoop and continue play.