Unit 6 Lesson 6
Grade 2 level
Main Aims
Students will be able to accurately pronounce L Blends at the beginning of words.
Subsidiary Aims
Vocabulary: black, clock, flag, glass, plum
Procedure (34-49 minutes)
Play a video that engages the students to move their bodies
Introduce L Blends and pratice the target words both in chorus and individually.
Students will listen to a short video that explains the phonics.
Play the 3 strikes game Each team takes a turn to give a word that has not been said and that follows the L Blend rule we mentioned in the Highlighting stage. If a team says a word that has been said already or that doesn't follow the rule they will receive a strike. Three strikes and that team is out. This phonic has been prevelant in our target language and they should have no trouble remembering them.
Students will sound out the words in chorus until a monster appears. When the monster appears the students will swap seats with their table mate.
Play Crazy Train Students will break down the word into the phonetic blocks then say the word instead of a sentence. The player that is first or most correct gets to sit down.
Students will play in pairs They will play memory which they need to match the word card to the picture card. They will be required to sound out the words as they turn the cards.