Daphne Daphne

Unit 6 Lesson 4
Grade 2 level


Students will be able to expand whose schedule they are talking about. They will now use we/they


Abc Flashcards
Abc Power Point Presentation
Abc Cups

Main Aims

  • Students can confidently talk about schedules using we/they

Subsidiary Aims

  • Grammar: They go to school at 7:00 in the morning. / We go to school at 7:00 in the morning.
  • Vocabulary: get up, get dressed, have lunch..., do homework, have a bath, go to bed,


Warm up Video (2-4 minutes) • To get students settled and ready to learn

Play a dance video the students can dance along with to burn energy and get ready to learn

Exposure (7-9 minutes) • To help students understand the new language

Reveal last week period 3 "when do you_______?” "I get up at 6:00 in the morning." Play side to side Introduce we vs they ~ We get up at 6:00 in the morning. ~They get dressed at 7:00 in the morning. Play a spinner game

Controlled Practice (7-9 minutes) • To prepare students for free practice.

Make sure students know the difference between we and they Play a fill in the blank game. There will be a clock and some people that will tell the students we or they. There will also be 3 activities for students to choose the one that matches the clock the most. After play the moving castle to give stars.

Semi- Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To further prepare students for free practice.

Play the dragon race game students need to match the pictures to make a sentence. The fastest player moves their team's dragon forward.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To give students an opportunity to use the language to express themselves.

Give students time to think pair share and then students think together, pair with another pair, then share as a pair.

Conclusion (2-4 minutes) • Students wrap up their learning.

Allow volunteers to share as a pair for a reward.

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