Daphne Daphne

Unit 6 Lesson 2
Grade 2 level


Students can use time in relation to parts of the day.


Abc Flashcards
Abc Power Point Presentation
Abc Pair Work Placemat

Main Aims

  • Students can talk about time and parts of the day.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Grammar: what's the time? - It's 6:00 in the morning
  • New words: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night,


Warm up Video (2-4 minutes) • To get students settled and ready to learn.

Play a video so students can dance and settle down for the lesson.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To familiarize students with the new language.

Introduce the parts of the day. Encourage students to do actions that would match where the sun is in the sky at that time of the day. Play a mystery box game.

Highlight (4-5 minutes) • To draw attention to the new vocabulary

A video will be played of a student talking about some things they see at different parts of the day. Knowledge will be recycled from grade 1

Controlled practice (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for free practice

Play a slap the board game there will be one part of the day on the slide and 2 clocks. Students need to guess the correct clock and make the sentence. For example: students see a picture they now know for morning. The clocks display 12:00 and 7:00. The students choose to slap a clock and 7:00 would be the correct clock because most children shouldn't see 12:00 in the morning.

Semi- Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To further prepare students for free practice.

Play a bomb game Madagascar edition

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • Allow the students to use the language on their own.

Play a board game in pairs.

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