Grammar PPP - TP 7
Pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide practice of contrast of simple present and present continuous in the context of special ocassions.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist reading practice using a text about special ocassion
To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of special ocassion
Procedure (34-44 minutes)
Show PP p1 set the topic - Grammar – the contrast between the Present Simple and Present Continuous Show PP p2 - Special Occasions Ask what is a special occasion. - A special occasion is an important day or event, like a birthday, wedding, or holiday. People usually celebrate and do something different from normal days. Ask 1 -2 Ss Think about the last special occasion you celebrated. What was it, and how did you celebrate it? 2,5 minutes BORs Ask 1 student what they talked about
Now we're going to read a short text about Carlo's special occasion. Share Gist link Show Gist 2 minutes, individual, submit, ICQ OCFB google forms Let's have a look at present simple and continuous examples in the chat. Show PP p 3 Elicit the Present continuous and present simple 3 minutes Ask Ss for queries
Now that we've identified our language let's try to work on understanding it. MEANING AND FORM Share Meaning and Form Show Meaning and Form + DEMO 5 minutes, Individual, submit, ICQs OCFB Google forms Share PP p4 Go over CCQs + FCQs + P General CCQS: Is Present Continuous used for actions happening right now or things that happen regularly? (Right now) CCQ: Do we use the Present Continuous both for things happening right now and for things happening around this time but not exactly at the moment? (Answer: Yes) Do we use Present Simple for things that happen all the time or just once? (All the time) Specific CCQs for marker sentences: Carlos is spending his day off with his family. (Present Continuous – an action happening now) CCQ: Is Carlos with his family right now, or later? (Answer: Now) His family lives quite far away. (Present Simple – a fact/general truth) CCQ: Does Carlos's family live far away all the time? (Answer: Yes) He is looking for another job. (Present Continuous – a temporary action in progress) CCQ: Is Carlos looking for a job for right now or is he in the process of finding a job? (Answer: in the process) Carlos spends most of his free time working on his motorbike. (Present Simple – a habit/routine) CCQ: Does Carlos always work on his motorbike or just today? (Answer: Always – it’s a habit) Is the action happening right now or around this time? "Carlos is spending his day off with his family." (Right now) X "He is looking for another job." (Around this time, but not exactly at this moment) FCQs Which auxiliary verb do we use for Present Continuous questions? (is/are) Which auxiliary verb do we use for Present Simple questions? (do/does) In Present Continuous, which auxiliary verb do we use for negative sentences? (is/are + not) In Present Simple, which auxiliary verb do we use for a negative sentence? (do/does + not) Examples: "Carlos is spending his day off with his family." → Which auxiliary verb do we use? (is) "Carlos spends most of his free time working on his motorbike." → Which auxiliary verb do we use? (does) Contracted forms if time allows - (e.g., "isn't," "doesn't," "don't," "aren't"). Pronunciation - refer to TLAS focus on Stress + Intonation + Drill Practice individual sounds like /ɪz/ in "isn't" and /dʌznt/ in "doesn't" /æ/ sound in words like "family"
Let's practice what we've just learned share google slides CP Show Google slides + DEMO + Find your page, Fill in the blanks 3 minutes, individual, ICQs OCFB last slide Ask Ss for queries
Speaking time! Show PP p 5 explain Work in pairs – One student is a TV reporter, and the other is a guest at a special event (birthday, wedding, festival, Christmas, national holiday etc.). Reporter asks questions: "How do people usually celebrate this event?" (Present Simple) "What is happening right now?" (Present Continuous) Guest answers: "People usually have a big dinner, talk to their families, sing and unpack gifts." "Right now, we are having dinner!" After 3 minutes, switch roles and repeat. 💡 Tip: Use Present Simple for what usually happens and Present Continuous for what is happening now or for actions in progress! 😊
- Do a DEC + and - - state students should pay attention to the screen where the main mistakes will be identified during monitoring BOR. Ask students to analise phrases or to repeat them according to pronunciation mistakes. Let SS share their own opinions and reasoning about why. Provide Ss help in the correction and point out the important information by using Zoom board tools or in Word