lduffett lduffett

Landis TP 1a
upper intermediate level


Students listen for gist, specific information and detail in the context of genealogy, while reviewing verb tenses.


Abc Global UpInt

Main Aims

  • To give Ss practice in listening for gist, specific information and detail in the context of genealogy.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and give Ss practice in present tenses--simple, perfect and continuous.


Lead-in/Pre-listening (5-7 minutes) • to review and give Ss practice in present tenses

Ss discuss what they know about their family trees and history in pairs/small groups--get some FB. Do ex 1 - Ss read the paragraph and discuss if they agree/disagree in pairs/small groups--get some FB.

Prediction/Gist (5-7 minutes) • to introduce the topic of the listening

Ss in pairs/small groups predict the answers to the questions in ex2. Ss listen. Check their answers in pairs--then take whole class FB--were their predictions right?

Pre-teach vocabulary (8-10 minutes) • to give students practice in listening for gist, specific information and detail in the context of genealogy

Pre-teach 5-6 words from listening 1.06. Use digital images and questions about the images to elicit vocabulary

Specific information/detail (8-10 minutes) • to give students practice in listening for gist, specific information and detail in the context of genealogy

Ex 3 - Ss think of two ways to research their family history--share ideas with a partner. Ss listen to the CD (1.06) and check and see what ideas are suggested--then check with their partner to make sure they got them all--then take FB

Language review (7-9 minutes) • to review and give Ss practice in present tenses

Put the sentences in Grammar ex 1 onto strips of paper. First get Ss to identify the tenses of the bolded verbs. -- Ss can do this in pairs/small groups. Also put the uses on Ex2 on strips of paper. Ss match these uses with the examples. --Check and deal with any quesitons./problems

Personalization (7-9 minutes) • to review and give Ss practice in present tenses

Prepare some general questions about family tree (2-3 minutes for each question): 1. Have you ever researched your family history? What interesting things have you found out? 2. Are you still researching your family history? Does Instanbul have any good archives for doing this research? 3. Do you often talk about your family history with other members of your family? What do you talk about? Ss discuss in pairs/groups -- take some FB

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