Unit 3 Lesson 3
Grade 2 level
Main Aims
Students will be able to talk about possesions that belong to another group.
Subsidiary Aims
Vocabulary: living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, door, window, mirror, rug, bookcase, floor, balcony, wall
Grammar: This/ That is their ____. They have got ________.
Procedure (34-47 minutes)
A video will be played in accordance with the class preference to get the students moving and ready to learn.
Review last period structures: This is our _____. We have got _____. Introduce new structure: This is their _____. They have got ______. Talk about the difference between "our" and "their" Quick practice Listen and repeat and answer why.
Their Vs Our Play Side to Side Game
Play slap the board. Show 2 pictures on the board. The teacher will describe a peice of furniture. Students must slap the correct room and make the sentence.
Play Keep or Throw Have the students complete the sentences The fastest will be able to choose what to do with the mystery box
Pair Work Play a kaboom game. Start as a whole class then move to group of four, with 2 players filling each house. Students try to fill in their house by drawing cards from the face down pile that has sentences of where they can put their furniture. The first house to have all it's furniture is the winner but there are bomb cards as well which remove furniture from the house.
Let the pairs show the places they ended up putting their furniture, with their partners and the teacher as they come around.