Unit 3 Lesson 1
Grade 2 level
Main Aims
Students will be able to recognize and talk about rooms and objects in a house.
Subsidiary Aims
Prepositions Review from Grade 1: in, on, next to, under
Rooms: Living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen
Furniture: armchair, bookcase, mirror, rug, window, door, balcony, stairs, wall
Structure: The armchair is in the living room.
Procedure (33-43 minutes)
A song will be played that suits the students interest to move their bodies and settle nerves in preperation for the lesson.
Introduce target vocabulary: 🏠 Rooms: living room, dining room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen 🪑 Furniture: armchair, bookcase, mirror, rug, window, door, balcony, stairs, wall Use flashcards and PowerPoint slides with real-life pictures.
Show pictures of real- world examples of each of the rooms. Have students fill in the blanks of the sentence to open a mystery box. Three players will play at a time.
Model the structure: The armchair is in the living room. The table is next to the sofa. Play Sentence Jumble Students have words on the screen they need to unjumble. They will show their work by arranging the physical word cards on the board in pairs.
Allow students to design their own rooms using cut outs and sticky tack. The pairs of students will trade with another group after the timer has ended to answer the question sheet.
Call volunteers to share both the house they were given and talk about the placement of the furniture.
Use Flash cards to drill and practice the target language.