Mohsen Askari Mohsen Askari

Observation 2
P2 level


In this lesson, I will focus on a reading passage that teaches students how to predict the content of the text. Additionally, they will practice the skill of understanding the different viewpoints presented by the author on various topics discussed in the text.


Abc Large sheets of paper
Abc Projector
Abc Vocabulary Matching Worksheet (printed for each student)
Abc Sentence Completion Worksheet (printed for each student)
Abc Board or projector for whole-class review
Abc Making connection 3 pp 88-95

Main Aims

  • ✅ To develop students’ reading skills by analyzing viewpoints on multiculturalism and assimilation through intensive and extensive reading. ✅ To enhance students’ critical thinking and argumentation skills through a structured debate on the ‘Melting Pot vs. Mosaic’ models of multiculturalism. ✅ To encourage students to use textual evidence in discussions and express their ideas confidently in a structured debate.

Subsidiary Aims

  • 🔹 Reading Skills: To improve skimming and scanning techniques for identifying key ideas and viewpoints. To develop the ability to analyze argument structure in an academic text. 🔹 Speaking & Debate Skills: To help students formulate structured arguments using supporting evidence. To practice expressing counterarguments and rebuttals in a respectful and logical manner. 🔹 Vocabulary & Discourse Markers: To familiarize students with viewpoint markers, contrast markers, and assessment markers in an academic text. To improve students’ ability to use academic language and transition words in discussion and debate.


Warmer/Lead-in (15-18 minutes) • To activate students' prior knowledge about multiculturalism, diversity, and assimilation while encouraging critical thinking and engagement with different viewpoints.

1. Preparation (Before the Lesson) Write four to five thought-provoking statements on large sheets of paper or on different sections of the whiteboard. Space them out around the room so students can walk around and engage with each statement separately. Example statements: "Immigrants should fully adopt the culture of the country they move to." "Multiculturalism strengthens a society by introducing new perspectives and skills." "Too much cultural diversity can cause conflict in a society." "Preserving one's cultural identity is more important than integrating into a new culture." "A country should have one dominant language and culture to maintain unity." 2. Instructions & Setup (3-5 min) Explain the activity to students: "We will have a ‘Silent Debate.’ Around the room, you will see different statements related to multiculturalism and assimilation. Your task is to respond to these statements in writing." "You can agree, disagree, or add new ideas. However, you must not speak during this stage." "Instead of debating out loud, you will write your thoughts on the posters and engage with what others have written." Hand out different colored markers to students (optional, so different responses are visually distinct). 3. Silent Writing Phase (5-7 min) Students walk around the room in small groups and read each statement. They write their thoughts, questions, or counterarguments under the statement. Encourage them to build on each other’s responses by writing additional comments or asking questions. They can use phrases such as: I agree because… I disagree because… Another perspective is… A real-world example of this is… But what if…? Teacher monitors but does not intervene—the focus is on independent thinking and engagement with ideas. 4. Pair/Small Group Discussion (5 min) After the silent writing phase, students return to their seats. In pairs or small groups, they briefly discuss: "Which statement had the most interesting responses?" "Did you see any opinions that surprised you?" "Do you agree or disagree with the majority of what was written?" 5. Whole Class Discussion & Debrief (5 min) Facilitate a short discussion, highlighting different perspectives from the silent debate. Use follow-up questions to encourage deeper reflection: "Which statement sparked the most debate? Why?" "Did anyone change their opinion after reading other responses?" "How do these statements connect to real-life situations in your country or globally?" "Which of these ideas do you think we will see in today’s reading?"

Pre-Reading Vocabulary Activation Activity: "Unlock the Text" (10-12 minutes) • To introduce essential "blocking" words from the text so students can access meaning more easily during reading.

1. Warm-Up: Word Guessing Activity (5 min) Project all the vocabulary words on the board. Give students 2 minutes to individually guess the meaning of at least three words. Pair Work: Students share their guesses with a partner. Whole Class: Ask a few students to share what they guessed, but do NOT confirm or correct their answers yet. This builds curiosity. 2. Vocabulary Matching Activity (5-7 min) Distribute the Vocabulary Matching Worksheet (each student gets a copy). Task: Students match the words with their correct definitions. Pair Check: After matching individually, students check their answers with a partner. Whole Class Check: Go over the correct answers together. 3. Contextualizing the Words – Sentence Completion (5-7 min) Distribute the Sentence Completion Worksheet (each student gets a copy). Task: Students read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary words. Pair Check: Students compare answers in pairs. Whole Class Discussion: Discuss why each word fits the sentence. 4. Whole-Class Discussion (3-5 min) Project these discussion questions on the board: "Do you think multiculturalism is always a good thing?" "Can a country be both a melting pot and a mosaic at the same time?" "What is a good example of a stereotype you have heard in your country or culture?" Pair or Small Group Discussion: Students discuss these questions in groups before sharing with the whole class.

While-Reading (Reading for Gist) Activity: "Predict & Confirm" (10-12 minutes) • To help students predict the content of the text based on the first sentences of each paragraph and identify the key ideas before reading in detail.

1. Previewing & Predicting Task (5 min) Explain the task: "You will read the first paragraph and the first sentence of each of the remaining paragraphs in the reading passage." "Based on these sentences, try to predict what the text is about." "You will also see a list of possible topics (A-F). Your task is to decide which ones the text will mention." Students read the first paragraph and first sentences of each paragraph individually. Pair Discussion: "What do you think this text is mainly about?" "Which of the listed topics (A-F) do you think will be covered in the reading?" Whole Class Sharing: Ask a few students to share their guesses. Write predictions on the board. Do NOT confirm or correct answers yet! 2. Skimming Task – Confirm Predictions (5-7 min) Students now read the full text quickly (skimming only, NOT focusing on details). Task: Check original predictions and decide whether their guesses were correct. If they change their mind, they should explain why (e.g., “I thought it would talk about X, but it didn’t.”). Pair Check: "Which topics were actually mentioned?" "Were any of your predictions incorrect?" 3. Whole-Class Discussion & Wrap-Up (3-5 min) Go over the correct answers together. "Which ideas were in the text? Which were not?" "Did anything surprise you about the reading?" Transition to the next reading task: "Now that we have a general idea of the text, let’s read more closely to understand different viewpoints."

While-Reading Activity: Analyzing Paragraphs 2 & 3 (14-16 minutes) • To help students identify key details, analyze viewpoints, and enhance understanding of essential concepts in paragraphs 2 and 3.

1. Details Hunt & Synonyms Match (Paragraph 2) – (7 min) Students read paragraph 2 individually. Task: Part A: Scan the paragraph for words related to learning and cultural identity. Underline or highlight them. Part B: Match the following words/phrases from the text with their synonyms: Innate → (a) natural / (b) difficult / (c) accidental Learned → (a) acquired / (b) forgotten / (c) rejected Beliefs → (a) emotions / (b) ideas / (c) actions Pair Discussion: "Why do you think the author emphasizes that culture is learned rather than innate?" "How does this paragraph connect to the concept of personal identity?" Whole Class Feedback: Discuss the importance of cultural learning and how it shapes individual and group identity. 2. Spotlight on Key Ideas (Paragraph 2) – (5 min) Task: Students circle or highlight words that express certainty or uncertainty in the paragraph. Example: "Culture has been described as one of the most complicated concepts to explain." (Uncertainty) "Culture is so closely connected to identity that it feels innate rather than learned." (Certainty) Pair Discussion: "Why does the author use words like ‘described as’ or ‘feels innate’? What effect do these have?" Whole-Class Sharing: Connect this analysis to how language conveys viewpoints and argument strength. 3. Viewpoint Analysis & Context Clues (Paragraph 3) – (7 min) Students read paragraph 3 in pairs. Task: Identify how the author presents assimilation. Does the paragraph support or challenge it? Highlight phrases that indicate viewpoint (e.g., "There was widespread assumption that this was a necessary step..."). Find context clues for the meaning of "melting pot". Pair Discussion: "How does the ‘melting pot’ metaphor describe assimilation?" "What assumptions about immigrants does this paragraph highlight?" Whole-Class Wrap-Up: Discuss whether assimilation is presented as positive, necessary, or controversial.

While-Reading Activity: Analyzing Paragraphs 4 & 5 (12-14 minutes) • To help students identify key details, analyze implied meanings, and enhance understanding of cohesion and coherence in paragraphs 4 and 5.

1. Implied Meaning (Paragraph 4) – (7 min) Students read paragraph 4 individually. Task: Part A: Highlight words or phrases that suggest why assimilation is considered beneficial. Part B: Answer the question: What is implied about national identity and conflict in this paragraph? Does the paragraph suggest assimilation is universally positive? Why or why not? Pair Discussion: "What assumptions does this paragraph make about assimilation and national unity?" "Can you think of any real-world examples where this idea is debated?" Whole Class Feedback: Discuss whether the paragraph presents assimilation as a fact or a perspective and how different viewpoints could be considered. 2. Signal Words Hunt & Cohesion (Paragraph 5) – (5-7 min) Students read paragraph 5 in pairs. Task: Identify words or phrases that show contrast or restriction (e.g., however, not all, restricted, segregated). Answer the guiding question: How do these words change the meaning of the paragraph? Pair Discussion: "How does this paragraph challenge the previous one?" "Does this paragraph suggest that assimilation is always available to all groups?" Whole-Class Wrap-Up: Discuss how language (e.g., "however," "laws have restricted") signals contradictions and limitations in the text’s argument.

While-Reading Activity: Analyzing Paragraphs 6 & 7 (12-14 minutes) • To help students identify cause-effect relationships, analyze contrasting viewpoints, and understand the connection between paragraphs.

1. Understanding Viewpoints & Contrasts (Paragraph 6) – (7 min) Students read paragraph 6 individually. Task: Part A: Identify and underline phrases that suggest a shift in perspective about assimilation (e.g., "Many people have come to view assimilation as a flawed process"). Part B: Match the following metaphors with their meanings: Melting pot → (a) blending cultures into one / (b) cultures staying separate Mosaic → (a) maintaining distinct cultural identities / (b) erasing cultural differences Pair Discussion: "How does the mosaic metaphor challenge the melting pot metaphor?" "Why do you think attitudes toward assimilation have changed over time?" Whole Class Feedback: Discuss how globalization and migration have influenced the shift from assimilation to multiculturalism. 2. Spot the Connection: Cause-Effect Analysis (Paragraph 7) – (7 min) Students read paragraph 7 in pairs. Task: Highlight the sentences that describe how Canada promotes multiculturalism. Underline the causes that led to these multicultural policies (e.g., "Canada is among the most diverse populations worldwide"). Discuss: How do Canada’s laws reflect a cause-effect relationship between immigration and multiculturalism? Pair Discussion: "What role does government policy play in shaping multicultural societies?" "How do Canada’s policies differ from countries that emphasize assimilation?" Whole-Class Wrap-Up: Discuss how laws and policies shape national identity and cultural diversity.

While-Reading Activity: Analyzing Paragraphs 8 & 9 (12-14 minutes) • To analyze contrasting viewpoints on multiculturalism in Canada (Paragraph 8). To examine the debate on bilingual education in the U.S. (Paragraph 9). To identify supporting evidence and counterarguments for each topic.

1. Analyzing Public Opinion on Multiculturalism in Canada (Paragraph 8) – (7 min) Students read Paragraph 8 individually. Task: Part A: Highlight the contrasting viewpoints about multiculturalism in Canada: One view: Canada has fully embraced diversity. Opposing view: The 2010 poll suggests otherwise. Part B: Answer: What does the 2010 poll reveal about Canadian opinions on multiculturalism? How does the “melting pot” metaphor challenge the “mosaic” concept in this paragraph? Pair Discussion: "Do you think public opinion can change government policies on multiculturalism?" "Which model—melting pot or mosaic—do you think is more effective?" Whole Class Feedback: Discuss how statistics (e.g., polls) shape debates on multicultural policies. 2. Understanding the Debate on Bilingual Education in the U.S. (Paragraph 9) – (7 min) Students read Paragraph 9 in pairs. Task: Complete the Argument & Counterargument Chart for bilingual education: Pro-Bilingual Education Arguments Supports academic success for immigrant students Helps children maintain cultural identity while learning English Anti-Bilingual Education Arguments Full immersion in English is better for language learning Mixing languages may slow down English acquisition Supporting Evidence for Each Side Highlight words that indicate controversy, such as disagreement, controversy, debate. Pair Discussion: "What are the pros and cons of bilingual education?" "Do you think schools should encourage bilingual programs? Why or why not?" Whole-Class Wrap-Up: Discuss how language policy reflects larger multicultural challenges.

While-Reading Activity: Analyzing Paragraphs 10 & 11 (8-10 minutes) • To analyze why multiculturalism is a divisive issue (Paragraph 10). To evaluate the purpose and contribution of Paragraph 11 to the overall argument. To connect ideas between paragraphs and analyze text coherence.

1. Evaluating Viewpoints on Multiculturalism (Paragraph 10) – (7 min) Students read Paragraph 10 individually. Task: Part A: Highlight contrasting viewpoints on why multiculturalism is divisive. Part B: Identify the view marker that signals different perspectives. Part C: Answer: What is one reason why some people think multiculturalism is problematic? What is the opposing argument? Pair Discussion: "Does this paragraph suggest that multiculturalism is negative or just misunderstood?" "How does the definition of multiculturalism shape public opinion?" Whole Class Feedback: Discuss how perceptions of multiculturalism vary based on cultural definitions. 2. What If This Paragraph Was Missing? (Paragraph 11) – (7 min) Students read Paragraph 11 in pairs. Task: Consider the following: Would the text still make sense without this paragraph? What does this paragraph add to the overall discussion? Highlight the statistics on global migration and discuss their relevance. Summarize the paragraph in one sentence and compare with a partner. Pair Discussion: "Why does the author use global migration data here?" "How does this paragraph connect to the idea of multiculturalism?" Whole-Class Wrap-Up: Discuss how Paragraph 11 justifies the importance of embracing diversity. 3. Connection Challenge: Linking Ideas Across Paragraphs Ask: "How does Paragraph 11 relate to Paragraph 10?" Guiding Questions: Does it provide a reason or an example? Does it contradict the previous paragraph or support it? Students complete the Paragraph Purpose Chart: Paragraph Purpose Connection to the Previous Paragraph 10 Presents contrasting views on multiculturalism Introduces why it is controversial 11 Provides migration data to justify the need for multiculturalism Supports the argument for diversity Whole-Class Discussion: Explore how logical flow and coherence build a strong argument.

Post-Reading Debate: "Melting Pot vs. Mosaic – Which Works Better?" (8-10 minutes) • To encourage students to engage critically with the topic of multiculturalism. To develop argumentation skills by supporting claims with textual evidence. To compare and contrast different societal models of cultural integration.

1. Set the Context & Assign Debate Teams (5 min) Explain the debate motion: "Today, we will debate which cultural model is more effective: the Melting Pot or the Mosaic. You must defend your assigned position, regardless of your personal beliefs." Divide the class into two teams: Team A: Defends the Melting Pot model (assimilation-focused society). Team B: Defends the Mosaic model (multiculturalism-focused society). Distribute the Debate Preparation Worksheet, which includes: A space to write 3-4 main arguments. A section for counterarguments and rebuttals. A section for evidence from the text to support their claims. 2. Debate Preparation (7-10 min) Each team gathers and prepares their arguments. Step 1: Identify at least three main arguments for their position. Step 2: Find evidence from the reading to support each argument. Step 3: Brainstorm possible counterarguments and prepare rebuttals. Teacher monitors and provides guidance, ensuring students stay on task and refer to the text for evidence. 3. Conducting the Debate (12-15 min) Debate Structure: Opening Statements (1 min per team) Each team introduces their position & main arguments. Main Argument & Support (2 min per team) Each team presents their strongest 2-3 arguments, with evidence. Rebuttal Round (1 min per team) Each team responds to the opposing side’s argument and defends their stance. Final Statements (30 sec per team) Teams summarize why their model is more effective. Encourage engagement: Ask students to take notes during the debate on opposing arguments. If time allows, open the floor for one or two follow-up questions. 4. Reflection & Whole-Class Discussion (5 min) Ask the class: "Did any arguments change your perspective?" "Which model do you think applies best to your country?" "Are there situations where one model works better than the other?" Class Vote: "Which team presented the strongest argument?" "Which model do you personally support, and why?"

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