Aida Aida

Vocabulary in context
Upper-intermediate level


Abc HO1 , HO2, HO3, answer key , Student's book , PowerPoint slides

Main Aims

  • • Students will learn and practice vocabulary related to foods that are beneficial for health.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • Students will improve their speaking and categorization skills through discussion and group activities.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Warmer/Lead-in To set lesson context and engage students To set lesson context and engage students. This is a Lead-in activity to activate the class at the start of the session and engage Ss attention in the topic of the lesson which is about “Food for Health”. First, the teacher will pair the Ss and provide some personal questions that are related to the topic. Ss will be discussing the question in pairs for two minutes. Questions: -How do you choose the foods do you eat every day? -Do you choose them carefully? -How many foods can you think of that are good for your health? Why?

Test #1 (8-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

1. First, ask a general question, in this activity students should skim the text quickly then answer to this question to understand the main idea of the text and then Ss have to check their answers with their partners (2min) -General Question: "What are some healthy foods you know?" 2. Second, ask four detailed questions about the text, so in this part students will understand more details about the text to know what we will talk about, so in this part Ss should scan the text carefully and find the answers of these questions then check with their partner. ( 3min) -Detailed Questions: - what benefits do blueberries provide? - How does ginger help with heart health? - What does the effects of too much salt? - How do avocados benefit the skin according to the text? 3.I will give the students HO2 that they will have the text and a word sort. First, they should read the text then complete that chart that has three column. First column, write the names of food; Second column, what it that food may be good for( focus on new words); Third column, the benefit of that food. ( to provide context for the target language through a text ) Have Ss complete the task and compare answers in their group. Ss will be doing this activity in groups for 5 minutes.

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

To draw students' attention to blocking words. I will show them the written form of the target vocabulary again, using HOP ( PowerPoint ) slides. In the following way; I will show a short definition about each words then students should guess I am talking about which words then I will say an example and I want my Ss make their own sentence. then I will show them the picture of that and I will drill it.

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

At this stage Ss will start working on a HO adopted from the WB. There is a gap filling activity that they will answer individually using to the target vocabulary of the session and some familiar prompts on the HO. Then, they will check their answers with a partner, and whilst I will give them the answer key.

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss will have two minutes to think about their “healthy food”. I will give them some questions that they should discuses in their group and share their ideas. - students should try to use new words. - Monitor the discussions and provide guidance as needed. Questions: -which food mentioned in the lesson do you think is the most beneficial, and why? -What are some foods you eat regularly, and what health benefit do they provide?

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