past simple and present perfect
pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of past simple and present perfect in the context of changes in life
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy and fluency practices in communicative activities in the theme of life changes
Procedure (33-49 minutes)
T displays some pictures of things have changed in her life in the last 10 years. T asks ss to do the same, to share things the have changed in the last 10 years. ss share together and try to find a common thing. T asks ss if they found a common thing.
T asks ss about their friends at school, are they still friends or not. ss will listen to an audio about Robbie speaking about his friends at school. ss will match the names of his friends to some statements. ss check their answers together. T check the answers with them. ss predict how are these friends now. ss read a text the friends are speaking about themselves to check their predictions.
T grasps ss attention and tell them to read again. ss will read the text again to underline one thing about each friend. ss will share their answers. T takes the answers from the ss
-T grabs ss attention and asks them to close their books for both the WC feedback and the target language clarification. T asks the students for their answers. T gets the marker sentences about the past simple and present perfect. T follows the ECDW. T drills the sentences. T highlights the phonological forms (I've- we've- they've- he's- she's). T highlight the ed endings ( started- moved) T highlights the intonation of the questions. T shades light on the differences between past simple and present perfect. T recaps
T chests the handout. T asks them to complete with the verbs between brackets and put them in the right tense. T models by answering the first one with them. T asks them to do the rest individually in 3 mins. ss answer. ss checks their answers together. T shows the ss the answer keys.
T shows the students some picture of important days in her life. T models by sharing about these pictures. T asks the ss to get 3 pictures of 3 important days in their life. T asks ss to share about these pictures in details and find the best memory.
T asks ss which memory is the best. T praises ss for using the grammar tenses. T highlights on the board some good models and some mistakes. T asks ss to decide if they are correct or not and to correct the wrong ones