Simple past aff neg
A1 level

Main Aims
To provide review and practice of simple past affirmative and negative of regular verbs in the context of "things we did last night"
Subsidiary Aims
To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of last night
Procedure (45-63 minutes)
T Project the just pictures,elicit (when did this happen? yesterday. in the morning or...) and write last night WB. What do they do? Play, study, watch... who had fun? The first and 4th. point and ask "did he have fun?" no... To introduce the context, Ss will look at the pictures here, and guess the activities, tell what they see. T will emphasize that this activities happened in the past. This way, activating schemata related to the specific activities they can see.
T-S, "Now, here are the pictures (chesting the material) and here is the text. So we... match the pictures with the.... text." GW of 3. 5min. "Do we write or just match? match" Here, The Ss will access the target language for the first time in this lesson, through the exercise of matching the pictures with the text, with the verbs in past simple. As it's a grammar they have seen, this won't be a difficult task. WCFB, S-WB.
T-S "now, let's focus on the actions, Look at these sentences about these people, look at the text and complete the sentences." Alone or in pairs? alone! 3 min. Here, Ss will be extracting the missing verbs from the text they have to complete the exercise. This will be good for them as they write the verb in the past form. They've seen the meaning (activities they did last night) and now they will complete the form. With the board divided, Affirmative/Negative, have the Ss write the answer to the task on the WB.
S-WB, with the model sentences from the exercise written on the WB. Clarify the meaning, use CCQs from LA paper. Clarify form mistakes (writing and crossing them) and drill the pronunciation with backchaining.
T-S "now, let's practice some verbs". Chest the material and project the exercise. Demo with the first. "Do we write one or two sentences? two. Alone or in pairs? you can do it in pairs" 3min. Here, Ss will have an opportunity to practice with the grammar they've just seen. Writing the sentences will help them to fixate the structures and meaning of both affirmative and negative. WCFB, S-WB. 1 min. To read to each other the sentences, PW, one reads the affirmative the other reads the negative.
T-S, Now, you write about you. Chest the material, perhaps demo with projector. Write true sentences about last night. Alone or in pairs? Alone first. Do we copy from my pair? no, my last night. Here they will have a chance to fill the sentences with the verbs and personalise this activity with their own answers. This will prepare them for a more meaningful practice. WCFB, Write some WB, using both. Now, PW, read your sentences to each other. 2m.
T-S, "now I have a fun game for you", Project and Demo WB first, giving instructions. "You need to find someone who...." ICQ, "Do you write only one name? no Do you write many names for one sentence? no. How can we ask these? Did you....... last night?" Here Ss will mingle around to complete the table they have in hand. this will help them with getting more confident with the grammar and pronunciation. WCFB, elicit some answer, How many people had....