Functional Language - TP 6
Pre-intermediate level
Main Aims
To practice functional language related to comparing ideas, agreeing and disagreeing in the context of choosing the right job.
Subsidiary Aims
By the end of the lesson, Ss will have developed reading for gist in the context of choosing a job
To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of choosing a job using the newly acquired/practiced functional language
Procedure (35-45 minutes)
Show presentation p1 Today's topic is Choosing the right job. Ask "What do you think is the most important thing when choosing a job?" BORs 3 minutes, pair work, ICQS,monitor, broadcast change of the speaker (Now, let the other student speak) Share in the chat: What kind of job do you think is good for you? Why? Do you prefer to work with people or by yourself? Why? What is more important for you in a job: money or happiness? Why? Do a fast FB
Now we're going to read a short text about Carmen and Luke and their job preferences. Share Google slides - Gist link in chat Show Google slides - Gist Read the text, fill in the table and find your name on the slide - Do a DEMO 3 minutes, individual work, ICQS Do a quick FB
Now that we've read the text we will focus on useful language about Comparing ideas, agreeing and disagreeing. Share Google slides - highlighting Show Google slides - highlighting Highlight the phrases in bold the text that belong to Comparing ideas and Agreeing and disagreeing. Use two different colors: red for Comparing ideas and purple for Agreeing and disagreeing. Find your the page with your name on it. Do a DEMO with the first one 2 minutes, individual work, ICQS Do a FB on the last slide
Let's have a look at the Meaning, Form and Pronunciation of the new language Sent Google Forms - Meaning and Form Share Google forms - Meaning and Form Answer the questions there are multiple choice questions and short answer questions. DEMO 6 minutes, individual, ICQs OCFB Google forms Show PP p.2 Go over CCQs and FCQs: MEANING I think Carmen should become a translator because she can speak three languages." CCQ: Does this sentence explain why Carmen should be a translator? Answer: Yes A suggestion or a prediction? (suggestion) A future or present idea? (future) Is it a polite way so say it? (Yes, it is polite because you’re sharing your opinion in a respectful way) "I don’t think Luke will be a good business owner because he can't be independent." CCQ: Does this sentence mean Luke is good at being a business owner? (No) Prediction or suggestion? (prediction) For Agreeing and Disagreeing: 1. "I’m not sure." CCQ: Does this mean I agree with the idea? (No) 2. "Maybe you should be a writer." CCQ: Does this show I am completely sure you should be a writer? (No) 3. Maybe you should be a writer. Is the speaker telling the person to definitely become a writer? (No) Are we agreeing or disagreeing? (neither) Are we suggesting or predicting? Explanation: The word "maybe" shows uncertainty, meaning it’s a suggestion, not a definite instruction. FORM FCQs I think Carmen should become a translator because she can speak 3 languages. (Future or present)? (future) Does the sentence follow the pattern: Subject + think + should + verb + object? (Yes.) What part of speech is maybe? (adverb) What part of speech is should? (modal verb) Is should always followed by the base form of the main verb? (yes) Pronunciation Elicit the sentence stress + intonation of the Q What do you think? I think Carmen should become a translator because she can speak three languages. I don’t think Luke will be a good business owner because he can’t be independent. What do you think? I’m not sure. Maybe you should be a writer. Any questions?
Let's check your understanding of the language you've just learned. Sent Google Forms - CP Show Google Forms - CP Complete the following sentences 1-7 based on the given scenarios. You will write short answers. Notice the language below the description. Don't worry if you don't do everything. Do a DEMO with the first one 5 minutes, individual work, ICQs, OCFB through google forms
Speaking time, let's practice the new language Show PP p3 Speak about your dream job Share target language in chat 1,5 min prep - Think about your answers to the questions Work in a group of 3 in BORS, Student 1 speaks about his/her dream job and then asks What do you think? Student 2 and 3 answer using our new language. Then Student 2 speaks about his/her dream job and then asks What do you think? Student 1 and 3 answer. Student 3.... 8 minutes, group work, ICQS, Monitor, Broadcast to prompt and to stimulate change of speakers, DEC prep OCFB - ask students what they spoke about
- Do a DEC + and - - state students should pay attention to the screen where the main mistakes will be identified during monitoring BOR. Ask students to analise phrases or to repeat them according to pronunciation mistakes. Let SS share their own opinions and reasoning about why. Provide Ss help in the correction and point out the important information by using Zoom board tools.