Past Simple vs Past Continuous tenses
B1+ level
Main Aims
To provide practice of the past continuous tense and the past simple tense in the context of festivities, celebrations and customs
Subsidiary Aims
To provide intensive reading practice using a text about a visit to Shakespear`s Globe in London in the context of festivities, celebrations and customs
Procedure (45-61 minutes)
T asks questions - What did you do yesterday? What were you donig yesterday at 6 pm?
T shows two pictures (the first - an eaten out packet of biscuits, the second - a child eating biscuits) with the sentenses below the pictures (He ate the biscuits yesterday; He was eating biscuits yesterday at 6 pm). T asks S to answer the questions. - what forms of the verbs are used in the sentences? (Past) - why the past forms of the verbs are different? (PS and PC) - what helps us to differentiate PS and PC? (6 pm, exact time)
T shows a chart (tense column (PS, PC) - use column (mixed)- example column (mixed). S has to match the tenses PS and PC to their uses and find appropriate examples. PS: - past habits (She called her parents every Sunday when she lived abroad). - past actions which happened one immediately after the other (He bought a hat, put it on and joined the parade). - past actions which won`t happen again (She participated in the 2018 London Marathon). PC: - an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past (Sam was watching a fireworks display at 10.00 pm). - a past action which was in progress when another action interrupted it (They were marching in the parade when it started to rain). - two or more actions which were happening at the same time in the past (While Sarah was preparing a special meal, her brother was decorating their house). - to give background information in a story (It was time for the Spring Festival. The sun was shining and people were dancing in the street).
T gives exercises to S to drill the rule. ex 1 p 13 GB (S chooses the correct verb form and gives reasons) ex 2 p 13 GB (S puts the verbs in brackets into the PS or the PC) ex 3 p 13 GB (S forms questions (using the verbs in brackets) in PS or PC and answers them)
S reads the blog entry about a visit to Shakespeare`s Globe in London intensively, finds PS and PC verb forms, underlines them and chooses the reason of their use from the list.
S reads the blog entry about a visit to Shakespeare`s Globe in London intensively to find examples of time expressions used with PS and PC in the blog entry.
T asks questions on the content of the blog entry about a visit to Shakespeare`s Globe in London .
T helps S make a plan on the blog entry about a visit to Shakespeare`s Globe in London , S retells the text. T writes down mistakes while S is speaking. T gives S his list of mistakes. S corrects the mistakes.
T explains the homework - write a blog entry about personal past experience of visiting an entertaining establishment, use the blog entry about a visit to Shakespeare`s Globe in London as an example.