Upper intermediate level
Main Aims
Ss will be able to recognize and be able to use "used" to and "would" to describe past habits and repeated actions
Subsidiary Aims
Ss will indentify "used to" and "would" in spoken and written texts.
Students will practice how to use "used to" and "would" accurately
Procedure (35-47 minutes)
I will start the class with two introductory questions before start the topic. These are the questions: - Did you used to have a favorite toy? - Why would you do in vacation when you were younger? Ss will have 2 minutes to think in their answers.
Ss will listen to an audio and then, I have prepared 5 true and false type of question with the information given in the audio. These are the questions for the activity: She used to be mad at her sister true:__ false:__ Laura did not use to speak too much true:__ false:__ Tony just would swim from one extreme to the other true:__ false:__ Her boyfriend used to be lovely and nice true:__ false:__ He would pick up anything if it had being lying on the floor true:__ false:__
For this stage I will start giving to Ss a quick summary about some differences between would and used to when I comes to describe things in the past. In addition, I will display the form to and how to use these words appropriately. To finish this stage, I will let the Ss to practice with some examples (focusing on pronunciation)
I will display 2 pictures on the screen, the first picture shows a women 10 years ago and in the second one is the same women today. The pictures describe a few activities that women did in the past and not anymore. According to that, Ss will have to create sentences to describe what the women used to do in the past.
To conclude this lesson, I will ask to Ss to describe something they used to do in the past but not anymore. That will be 2 sentences each student, one using "used to" and the other one using "would". I will provide Ss with FB I will thank Ss for their time