Abdelrahman Mahmoud Abdelrahman Mahmoud

reading lesson
b2 level


Abc power point presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan, detailed and deduction reading practice using a text about memories in the context of childhood memories

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of the usage of used to in the context of childhood memories


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Tell Ss that you will show them some pictures and ask them to work in pairs to talk about these pictures and what connect them together in 3 minutes. Instructions: Now I'm going to show you some pictures and I need you to talk to your partners about the pictures and what do you think the connection is between them in 3 minutes. Then we'll have a chat together ICQs: So what are going to do? (talk to our partners about the pictures). Are you going to talk to your partner or to your self? (my partner). How much time do you have? (3 minutes). Feedback: I will mention some students to ask them about the pictures and what connect them.

Pre-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Part1: I'll tell Ss that we're going to read a text and ask them to predict what is it about? instructions: So what we are going to do today is we're going to read a text and it's related to the photos we discussed earlier so, what kind of things do you think the text is going to be about? Part2: I'll pre teach some vocabs to facilitate better engagement with the text when Ss read it. 1-Leaves: What is the green things you see on a tree and fall in the autumn? CCQs: Are leaves part of the roots? (no). Do leaves grow on the ground? (no). Are leaves usually green? (yes, but can be other colors). Drilling. leaves (n) plural. 2-woods: What is the place where you can find many trees? CCQs: Is the woods the same as a garden? (No). Is a woods smaller or bigger than a forest? (smaller). Can you find woods in cities? (no). Drilling. woods (n) plural.

While-Reading #1 (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

I'll ask the Ss what's missing from the text? And I'm going to point at the beginning of the text on the screen so they know what I'm talking about. and I'm going to ask them to read the text and write a title. 3 minutes to read the text and 1 minute to write the title. Instructions: So what's missing from the text up there? (the title). Now read the text and write down a suitable title. 3 minute to read the text and 1 minute to write the title. ICQs: • Now a title is usually related to the text or not? (Related). • How long a title is usually? (3 to 7 words). • Are you going to read together or alone? (Alone). • How much time do you have? (3 minutes to read and 1 minute to write the title). Feedback: Peer check with their partner for 2 minutes.

grammar review (4-6 minutes) • to review the meaning, form and pronunciation of the TL

Review the meaning of the TL through the sentence ''I used to play football''. Ask Ss some CCQs and use the time line. Are we talking about the past or the present? (Past). Do I play football nowadays? (No). Would I play football in the future? (Maybe). Elicit the negative form and the question form and clarify it. Drilling: Make them notice that it's pronounced (usta) not (used to). I'll also use the backchaining technique for drilling.

Post-Reading/freer practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Then and now activity: brainstorm with the students about things people used to do in the past but they are used to doing different things now. Then ask students to work in groups to write the three things people used to do and three things people are used to doing now. Instructions: Now in groups I want you to write down three things people used to do in the past and three things people do nowadays. You have 5 minutes. Model for them an example: people used to write litters, but now they are used to sending emails. ICQs: what are you going to do? (Write three things people used to do and three things people are used to doing). are you going to work in groups or individually? (In groups). how much time do you have? (5 minutes). Monitor and make notes of good language and errors. Feedback: ask them to tell the sentences. Do delayed error correction.

Wrap-up (3-5 minutes) • to check students understanding of the lesson

Exit ticket: Ask each student to give something new that he learned today give them the homework which is going to be an activity about their past habits and new habits that they gained. give them the instructions, model for them and ICQs.

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