Hussein Yaqoob Hussein Yaqoob

Grammar/ Past Simple-Positive
Beginner A1 level


In this lesson, students will learn about the regular and irregular verbs of past simple tense (positive). The lesson will start with a discussion about what did they do yesterday. Students will get to learn about the different pronunciation patterns of the (-ed) endings for past simple regular verbs.


Abc English Unlimited Starter, Doff, Cup 2010

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the past simple tense of regular and irregular verbs in the context of holidays

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice using past simple regular and irregular verbs in the context of holidays


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage the students

The T will start the lesson by projecting some of his holiday photos when he was in the USA two years ago to elicit the context of holiday took place in the past. The T will first elicit the very word holiday and then write it on the WB with the date (2013).

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide the context of the target language through a text (quotation)

The T will show the Ss a text extracted from the textbook (p.41 Last Saturday, ex.1) and then instruct them what to do as shown below: - Read the text - Find the key idea of the text ( what that person did on Saturday) - Show them how to underline the verbs they can find through doing an example - Give them 1-2 minutes to work out their task. They should first work individually and then check with partners. While doing that, the T will draw a chart of two columns under which the verbs in both forms will be ordered without showing them the titles of the columns. Then, the T will try to elicit the grammatical terminology of the regular and irregular verbs and write them in the right place. Regular Irregular Verb(V1) Past (V2) Verb (V1) Past (V2)

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: After writing the examples extracted from the previous quotation, the T elicit the meaning of some verbs through gestures or context that Ss can understand. Then, Twill ask some CCQs to confirm the Ss's understanding of the TL: On Saturday, I got up late, about 10:30, in the morning. What day today? Thursday Can I say “ I get up late on Saturday?” No Is ‘got up on Saturday’ in the past or present? Past Form: The teacher will draw a timeline and the grammatical form of the past simple on the WB to indicate the TL I We You they + (V2) + Object He She Pronunciation: Then, the Ss will listen to an audio from the textbook (p.54, track 2.17) for two times (if necessary). The T will drill the difference in the pronunciation of the regular verbs focusing on the suffix (-ed) when pronounced as /d/ or /t/ stay-stayed /d/, listen-listened /d/ cook-cooked /t/, watch-watched /t/ The T will also indicate that some verbs do not conjugate in the same previous way, referring to the irregular verb forms: go-went

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To get the students practice the target language and check their understanding

The Ss will be given flash cards including base form of regular, irregular verbs and their conjugations. S a, for example, who has a verb like 'stay' should mingle the class to find the partner who has 'stayed'. When they finish, each two will be one pair and later come to the WB to report their answers. The cards will also include some additional verbs that are mostly common to the English language learners: play, walk, come...etc

Controlled Practice/2 (6-8 minutes) • To have the students practice more complicated sentences and further promote their awareness to the target language

The Ss will be given a HO extracted from the textbook (p.54, ex.4) including sentences about 'last weekend' with gaps which should be completed with pronouns and verbs (V2) covered previously. The T will elicit how to do the first sentence.They will first work individually, peer check, and then their answers will be reported to the whole class. When they finish, the teacher will project the answer key to have the Ss check their answers.

Freer Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide the students with freer practice of the target language

The T will ask the Ss to talk about their previous holidays using the past simple tense with regular and irregular verbs. They will be in pairs to talk about their experience in two minutes. Some key ideas will be shown on the WB to help the Ss know where to start and when to finish: On Sunday, I and my family went to..... The T will circulate them to give feedback. After that, on the WB, the T will write some errors that they may make and elicit the correction.

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