Tomáš Fediuk Tomáš Fediuk

Pre-intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of telling and responding to a story.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To help students recognize, understand, and confidently use storytelling language and functional expressions.
  • To develop students' ability to organize their ideas coherently in a spoken format.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Today's topic is telling and responding to a story - Share presentation p.1 - Introduce the character and tell Ss, repeat that it´s a story - Share the short part of the story on the screen - Ask: "What do you think happens next?" Nominate if needed - If Ss don't know add another part of the story - Annotate their ideas on the slide.

Content preparation (7-8 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Let´s have a look at the story. Exposure -Share figma - Do a DEMO of FIGMA and DEMO of the activity - Read the story and use the highlighted parts to fill in the table. Then use the two phrases in the circle to complete the table. - individual work , 4 minutes, ICQs -OCFB on the last slide eliciting the answers Starting a story: "A funny thing happened this morning ..." “I had a bad experience last year, when I was ...” Ending a story: "I was so embarrassed!" “It was OK in the end!” Responding to a story: "Oh no!" “You´re joking!” “So then what happened?”

Language preparation (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Meaning and Form -Share Google forms - Do a DEMO - 3 minutes, individual - ICQS - OCFB google forms Ask CCQs (look at TLAS) Form and Pronunciation - Share presentation slide n2. - Go over the key parts of speech and elicit tenses and the stages: Starting a story, Ending a story, responding to a story (consult TLAS) - Elicit the stress and intonation from the students (use TLAS for reference) - Nominate different Ss - Model and drill P Ask Ss whether they have any Q Speaking time!

Speaking (10-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

-Show the presentation slide 3 - Your turn to to tell a story - Think of a positive or negative story to share with your classmates, start the story end it and have your partner react to it. - Show Qs to guide Ss -Give 2 minutes to think of a story, use the practiced L - Do a DEMO -pairwork, 4 minutes, remember to respond to your partner using the practiced L - BORs, ICQS, MONITOR - Short OCFB (what did Betania say) - 2nd round with a different partner - Short OCFB

Feedback and Error Correction (4-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

-Show presentation p.3 - Do a DEC + and - - state students should pay attention to the screen where the main mistakes will be identified during monitoring BOR. Ask students to analise phrases or to repeat them according to pronunciation mistakes. Let SS share their own opinions and reasoning about why. Provide Ss help in the correction and point out the important information by using Zoom board tools.

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