Anna Anna

Copy of Family Business
Pre-Intermediate level


This lesson is from Face2face, Pre-intermediate Student's Book.The Family Business lesson is in the section C in the unit 6.In this lesson, students will practice reading for gist and reading for specific information. The lesson will start with the lead in, in which the teacher will show some pictures of three Turkish drama and ask students to choose the best one with saying the reason for this choice. Then teacher will pre-teach the vocabulary in the text with the phonetic transcription script. After that the teacher will ask students to discuss some questions related to the text to prepare them to the reading stage. In while reading stage, the students will read for gist first and match the pictures with the texts. Second, they will read for specific information and complete the sentences. Finally, in while reading stage the students will read for more details and answer four questions. In the post reading stage,the students will draw a family tree of Blake family. In the last part of the lesson, the students will practise the prefixes un-, im-, dis-, in- and opposite adjectives.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading practice using a text about Soap Update in the context of Family Business.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of making opposites adjectives by adding prefixes ( un-, in-, im-, dis-) in the context of Family Business.


Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- Teacher will show some pictures of Turkish drama. 2- Teacher will divide the students into groups depending on the number of attendant students. 3- Students will choose the best one for them and say why. 4- One of each group will tell the other groups about their choice and the reason for that choice.

Pre-Teach the Vocabulary (5-5 minutes) • To familize the students with the new vocabulary in the article.

1- Teacher will try to elicit the words from the students. 2- Teacher will show pictures and give examples to clarify meaning of the words that the pictures cannot convey the meaning, specifically, the abstract words such as inconsiderate . 3-Students will repeat the words chorally after the teacher. 4- Teacher will show the words in the PowerPoint and phonetic transcription script one by one.

Pre-Reading (5-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1- Teacher will keep the same groups of students from the previous lesson stage. 2- Teacher will give students some questions preparing them to the reading stage. 3- Students will discuss the questions in groups. 4- One student of each group will move to other group and tell the other group about his/her group answers of the questions. 5- Students will tell the teacher about any interesting answers.

While-Reading #1 (5-5 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading task.

1- Teacher will give the students a handout with texts and pictures of people that the texts talk about. 2-Teacher will give instructions of the activity. 3-Teacher will use ICQs to check students understanding of the instructions. 4- Students will read for gist. 5- Students will match the texts with the pictures. 6- Teacher will give the student a handout with the feedback to check their answers.

While-Reading #2 (6-6 minutes) • To provide students with specific information reading task.

1-Teacher will ask students to read the first paragraph of the article. 2-Teacher will give the instructions of this task. 3- Teacher will use ICQs to check students' understanding. 4- Students will read the first paragraph of the article. 5- Students will complete the sentences. 6-Students will check their answers in pairs. 7- Teacher will give the feedback on the PowerPoint.

While-Reading #3 (5-5 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading task.

1- Teacher will give the students a handout with four questions. 2- Teacher will ask students to work in pairs and answer these questions. 3- Teacher will check understanding of the instructions by the ICQs. 4- Students will answer the questions in pairs. 5- Students will check their answer by walking around the class and look at some handouts on the walls.

Post-Reading/Listening (6-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1- Teacher will ask the students to draw a family tree of the Blake family. 2- Teacher will give the instructions. 3- Teacher will give an example on the PowerPoint for more clarifications. 4- Teacher will use ICQs to check students' understanding. 5- Students work in groups and draw the Blake family tree on a paper. 6- Students will stick the posters on the walls. 7- Groups will go around and check other groups Blake family tree. 8- Teacher will show the Blake family tree on the PowerPoint.

Vocabulary Focus (8-8 minutes) • To practice prefixes un-, in-, im-, dis-.

1- Teacher will try to elicit the usage of the prefixes un-, in-, im-, dis-. 2- Teacher will give example. 3- Teacher will give the instructions. 4- Teacher will give students a handout with a table of four prefixes prefixes which are in-, un-, im-, dis- and ask them to scan the text and put the adjectives from the box in the front of the suitable adjective to form the opposite adjective. 5- Teacher will check students' understanding of the questions of ICQs. 6- Students will complete the table. 7- Students will check their answers on pieces of papers which are stacked under their chairs.

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