Comparatives and Superlatives
Main Aims
To enable students to learn and use comparatives and superlatives.
Subsidiary Aims
To provide speaking and listening practice with comparatives and superlatives.
Procedure (33-43 minutes)
- T greets Ss, introduces himself. - T shows Ss "Would you rather?" game with the following question: Would you rather live in the coldest country or the hottest? Ss will then discuss: What words did we use to compare?
Ss will be sent a google form link and an audio link, they will answer the google form based on the audio. ICQ: What are we going to answer? What are we going to listen to?
T will show students 2 pictures (One of a small town and one of a big city), the first slide will contain the question: Which is bigger? T will then show students a picture of small hill, the question will be: Which is the highest mountain in the world? Ss will have to work on noticing what the difference is between comparative and superlatives (comparatives compare 2 things and are usually used with -er/than; superlatives compare one thing to a group of things -est), an example will be shown through Google Slides (Happy → Happier → Happiest Difficult → More difficult → Most difficult Bad → Worse → Worst (Irregular)) Ss will then have to complete a table on Google Forms in pairs, where they will have to write down the comparative and superlative form of 9 different adjectives. CCQ: How many things are we comparing on the first slide? What words did we use to compare them? How many things are we comparing on the second slide? What words did we use? Where are going to complete the activity?
Ss will be sent a Google Slides link, they will have to participate by writing down 4 comparative sentences and 4 superlative sentences. Students will work individually and will subsequently compare their answers in pairs. OCFB: Ss will share their sentences with their classmates and compare on why they are correct or not.
Ss will work on the Google Slides presentation once again, they will write what food they think is better and what movie they think is best (Tacos are much better than hamburgers/ Interstellar is the best movie ever). They will subsequently discuss the "why" of their opinions with their classmates.
T gives FB on good language. T uses board to clarify any mistakes that happened during the activities.