MUSFL Observation #2
A2 (A1 Starters, A2.30) level
Main Aims
To enable students to write an advantage-disadvantage essay by analyzing a model and practicing writing body paragraphs.
Subsidiary Aims
To enhance students' speaking skills through discussion activities.
To develop students' error detection and correction skills.
Procedure (45-59 minutes)
Teacher plays a YouTube video about Traveling Abroad to introduce the topic. Teacher uses Mentimeter presentation to ask students: "Have you ever visited a foreign country?" Students share their experiences.
Teacher asks another Mentimeter question: "What are the advantages of going on a holiday to a foreign country?" Students list possible advantages using their phones. Students work in pairs to choose the two most important advantages, which they will use later in writing.
Teacher directs students to page 18 and summarizes the structure of an advantage-disadvantage essay.
Teacher presents a sample essay and breaks it down into: Introduction (What does it include?) First Body Paragraph (What is the main idea?) Second Body Paragraph (How does it develop?) Conclusion (What does it summarize?) Teacher shows an outline of the essay.
Students analyze the outline of "Bicycle as a Means of Transport" (page 20). Teacher elicits the First and Second Body Paragraph Topic Sentences from students.
Teacher gives students a paragraph with common mistakes (error-spotting activity). Students identify the mistakes and correct them. Teacher shows the corrected version of the paragraph for comparison.
Students write one body paragraph in pairs, based on the two advantages they selected earlier (page 21). Students also see the sentence starters on the MentiMeter presentation and try to use them in their paragraphs.Students upload their paragraphs to Padlet. Teacher provides feedback on their writing.