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Vocabulary – Emotions & Feelings
B1 level


This lesson will focus on vocabulary related to emotions and feelings, helping students recognize, understand, and use these words in context.


Abc Audio recording of the story
Abc Presentation slides
Abc Handouts with gap-fill exercises

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have clarified and practiced vocabulary related to emotions and feelings in English.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with listening practice to identify emotions in a short story.
  • To encourage students to express their feelings and emotions through speaking activities.


Lead in (4-6 minutes) • To introduce the topic

Show pictures of different facial expressions. Ask students: How do they feel? Elicit answers and write keywords on the board.

Pre teach vocabulary (5-7 minutes) • To unblock difficult words before the main activity.

Elicit and clarify key words: excited, nervous, scared, embarrassed, disappointed, proud, happy. Use pictures and CCQs. Drill pronunciation.

Listening (Gist Task) (4-7 minutes) • To expose students to emotions in context.

Play the story about Lena’s talent show. Ask students: What is the story about? How does Lena feel?

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To expose students to emotions in context.

Students listen again and complete the gap-fill exercise with emotion words. Peer check answers before whole-class feedback.

Clarification (7-10 minutes) • To deepen understanding of word meaning, pronunciation, and form.

Ask CCQs: Is “nervous” a positive or negative feeling? Highlight stress patterns in pronunciation.

Controlled practice (6-7 minutes) • To focus on accuracy

Students match emotions to pictures

Freer practice • Encourage fluency

Students discuss personal experiences using target vocabulary. Provide prompts (e.g, Tell about a time you felt embarrassed). Monitor and give feedback.

Wrap up and feedback (3-5 minutes) • Review key words and pronunciation

Address any language errors noted during freer practice.

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