Carolina Espinosa Carolina Espinosa

Grammar Comparatives
Elementary A1 level


In this lesson students will learn about comparatives


Abc Google Docs
Abc Google Slides
Abc Zoom Plattform
Abc Google Forms

Main Aims

  • Students will be able to use comparative adjectives correctly to describe and compare places

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will recognize and understand the structure of comparative adjectives through a guided text. Students will practice forming and pronouncing comparative sentences accurately .


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. greets the class T. shows images of Cairo and Sharm El Sheikh to Ss. T. asks Ss. "Do you know these places?" "Where are they?" Ss. own answers T. sends a G-Form with vocabulary and images related to the topic A.K The pyramids, A mosque, A coral Reef Ss. choose the correct answer A.K 1A 2B 3A T. shows the answers while conducts OFCB

Gist (1-3 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

T. shares two texts about Cairo and Sharm El Sheikh using a G-Slide T. asks Are these texts about historical places, beach destinations, or both? Ss. choose the right option A.K (Both) T. asks which city is bigger? (Cairo)

Intensive Task (2-4 minutes) • To help students develop their reading skills by focusing on specific details.

T. shares a G-Form with the previous texts T. explains the task by explaining Ss. need to read and find specific details T. shares the link in the chatbox Ss. choose the right answer T. conducts OCFB A.K 1B 2A 3b

Clarification (10-13 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T. shares a G-Slide to explain form. Both T. and Ss. identify examples of comparatives T. asks CCQ´s Does it cost more or less to visit Sharm El Sheikh? (more) T. shares a G-Slide to explain form Short adjectives (one syllable): big→bigger , → (+ -er) Long adjectives (two or more syllables): interesting→more interesting (more + adjective) Irregular adjectives: good → better, bad → worse Than-clause → (Cairo is bigger than Sharm El Sheikh). Swan, M. (2005). Practical English Usage (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. T. asks for one more example using bigger and more interesting T. shares a G-slide to explain pronunciation 📌In fast speech, than links to the next word. ↗️ Cairo is bigger than Sharm El Sheikh. 📌 Which word is stressed in ‘more interesting’? Sharm is more interesting than Cairo. ✅ Minimal Pairs: cheap – cheaper - hot – hotter - Thornbury, D. (2006). An A-Z of ELT: A Dictionary of Terms and Concepts Used in English Language Teaching. Macmillan Education.

Controlled Practice (7-9 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T. shares a Google Doc for Ss to practice T. gives instructions and shares a link per student Ss. fill in the gaps with the right comparative form T. conducts OCFB A.K 1.more interesting 2.nicer 3.busier 4. cheaper

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T. shares a Google Slide T. gives instructions on how to develope the activity T. explains they have to create a short dialogue comparing 2 cities and they can use the wordbank on the right side of the G-Slide T. shares a PDF with the image Ss. work in break out rooms T. selects some students to role play their dialogue

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To provide corrective feedback and address common errors observed during freer practice.

T. shares a Google Doc T. conducts OFCB T. asks Ss. if they noticed mistakes regarding pronunciation or structure T. says bye to the class

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