Teaching Practice 2
Beginner level

Main Aims
grammar: to introduce the present simple positive in the context of a personal description
Subsidiary Aims
to give Ss practice in listening for gist and specific information
Procedure (20-48 minutes)
Ss will greet the teacher with the sentences they had learnt before
T: What is this? S: a map. Ss must learn the correct pronunciation of city names they on the map
Before playing the track, Ss will be given a handout which includes a world map and in the bottom, they fill in the blanks with the information they comprehend from the listening. Then, they will be divided into pairs and check the answers with their partner.
Three of the Ss will be chosen to check three True False sentences written on the board.
Ss will see subjective pronoun with a verb in the front chart on the WB and have to locate the incorrect one. By this way, will understand how to use a verb in the present simple with different subjects.
In order to examine Ss' grammar perceptiveness, they will do an exercise in pairs and be monitored by the T. Ultimately, they should check the answers with their partners.