Job lesson
Grade 4 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of Job words in the context of My family's jobs
Subsidiary Aims
To provide gist listening practice using a text about Jobs in the context of Family'jobs
Procedure (26-43 minutes)
Ss thinks of three words about each picture and make a sententence about it Demonstrate on a picture before starting the task Asks Ss to report what they came up with
Elicit the meaning of three words Ss choose the right answer. Drill and high light the stess in the sentence.
Ss listen to Peoples and number the situation in order they hear Ask Ss to peer check in thier answers. Display the answer key and ask them to double check.
Ss listen to the recording again Pausing each speakers and match the phrases with the situations. Ask them to check thier answer against
Ss work in pairs to match the underlined phrases(a_e) with thier definitions(1_5) Ask some CCQs about the phrases Is it an important job? Is it a dangerous job Drill some key sentences and highlight the stress
Ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the sentences with the correct answer from the box Nominat Ss to give answers further check understanding of meaning of some words . Deal with any issue
Ss in groups with other parteners about the most important job Monitor and make notes of good language After the fleuncy task give the feed back about some of ideas they came up