Rahma Rahma

Future simple tense
Grade 6 B2 level


This lesson will focus on future simple tense to express expectations, intention,and plans for the future


Abc PPT , some photoes , worksheets , video

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about Thier expectations, plans and intention
  • To provide clarification
  • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to express Thier expectations, intention, plans for the future

Subsidiary Aims

  • Improve students' listening and speaking skills


Procedure (20-30 minutes) • To arrange every stage and details of the lesson

After greating students, students will watch a photo to fresh graduated person and ask them to discuss in pairs in their expectations after graduation in 4 minutes. Students will given worksheets to fill blanks individually in 3 minutes ICQs Check Thier answers Students try to Elise the sentence from at future simple tense. Teacher will illustrate the usage, form, negative, meaning, pronunciation, form for example: l'm I sure that he will be a doctor in the future or just an explanation? Will='ll will not= won't Drilling Teacher will test students by showing some photos and asking them to describe it individually in 4 minutes Teacher will ask students about new things they have learnt and another thing still confusing them. Time is over,see you next session.

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