Teaching Practice 1
Beginner level

Main Aims
To present and practice possessive pronouns to talk about relationships.
Subsidiary Aims
To review and practice vocabulary to describe relationships eg. brother, husband / listening and speaking.
Procedure (31-41 minutes)
T puts pics of family on the board and says "This is my/Lizy's family". T calls 2 Ss pairs up front and T gets them to ask each other "who's this?" and answer "This is her...". Then T says "Now, in Pairs, ask each other 'who's this?'"
T puts pics of Omar and Emma's families on board. T asks whole class who each member is. T writes "mother, son, sister" on board and asks 1 S to come match name with number as ex for S (indiv) work
T plays track for students to match each name with the person.
T will draw chart with two columns Male/Female and write F, D, B, W and practice pronunciation of these four. Then, T will call 4 Ss to come one by one and fill in the blanks for M, S, Sis, and H. Then Ss will practice pronunciation of each word with CD track
T writes "This is Omar/Emma and .... Family" students guess His/Her. T writes "This is his/her ..." Leave sentences on board, erase his/her. T calls 2 Ss and names then A/B. A Ss talks about Omar and B Ss about Emma. T says "you are A and you are B, You are...?" and names all students T says "in Pairs A talks about Omar and B talks about Emma" IQ: T says "A talks about? and B talks about?" IQ: T says pointing at Emma/Omar "We use...? her. We use...? his"
T points to Omar's pic and calls 2 Ss makes A S ask "Who's this" and B S answers. Ss do this 2 more times. T makes pairs and makes them talk about Omar and Emma's family.
T explains "They're" by pointing to one S and saying "S/he's a S" then pointing to 2 Ss "They're Ss". T writes on the board "They are" and changes to "They're". Play track to practice pronunciation.
T puts pic of parents on WB and ask "Are they brother and sister"? Waits for comments and then writes ".... husband and wife". Ss fill in "They're". T puts pic of four couples and asks students "who are they?" and waits for WC to answer "They're...". To check T asks single Ss to answer.
T shows Pic 1. and writes on WB "I think they're...." and waits for Ss to answer "brother and sister". T points to another pic and repeats. Then T calls for one two Ss one by one and makes them practice. Then T pairs them up and gestures to write what they think each pic is.