Vocabulary lesson
Intermediate, Grade 6 level
Main Aims
To provide clarification of Environmental problems in the context of Environmental problems
By the end of the lesson, Ss will have clarification and practice of some vocabs to talk about Environmental issues
Subsidiary Aims
To provide Ss with an opportunity to practice listening. and to provide them with practice in speaking for fluency to talk about the topic.
Procedure (29-35 minutes)
I will show a picture related to an environmental issue (e.g., pollution, deforestation) and ask students: What do you see? How does this affect the environment?
Elicit Vocabulary I will show pictures and ask guiding questions to help students guess the words. Then, I will confirm the correct answers, write them on the board, and check understanding using CCQs. Finally, I will model pronunciation and have students repeat.
I will give students a short text about environmental issues and ask them to read quickly to answer a general question (e.g., What is the main problem discussed?). They will then compare their answers in pairs before a whole-class discussion.
I will clarify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of the target vocabulary. I will use CCQs to check understanding, highlight word stress, and provide example sentences to show usage in context.
Students will complete a gap-fill exercise using the target vocabulary. They will first work individually, then check their answers in pairs before a whole-class feedback session.
Students will work in pairs to discuss a real-world environmental issue using the target vocabulary. They will share their ideas and possible solutions, then present their discussion to the class. I will monitor and provide feedback if needed