Mayshell Balasico Mayshell Balasico

Entertainment (Vocabulary)
Grade 9M ----B1 level


Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to accurately form and use the given vocabulary in spoken and written communication in the context of entertainment. Lesson outline: Warm - Up: Begin the lesson by dividing the class into 10 groups and give them words to form then ask the students to arrange the given words on the board. Introduction to VOCUBULARY: The teacher will ask the students to read the given words then provide the Vietnamese translation of each given vocabulary. Then ask the class to answer the exercise 1 on page 61. Then call out random students to construct sentences using their own words on the board. The teacher will play the Listening file 5.3 in exercise 2 and reinforce the lesson through additional discussion and brainstorming shortly. Then the students will do the Exercise 3 Matching Words: New Vocabulary( audience, choir, costume, exit, orchestra, row, stage). Then the teacher will give a spelling activity. Then move to Exercise 5.4 The class will listen and answer the questions in the listening file on page 61 exercise 4 and check it after. Then the Teacher call students randomly to write their answer of the listening activity on the board. Then check it . Answer any remaining questions from the students. Assign homework in exercise 5 for further practice, if desired.


Abc Identification

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification on the vocabulary book, clap, film, entertain, interview, perform and record in the context of entertainment.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice writing sentences using the given vocabulary through their own words in the context of entertainment.
  • To practice speaking with correct pronunciation and accurate usage.


Warmer/Lead-in: Spelling Boar Race (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the activity to make them ready for the class.

The T will divide the class into 10 groups then give each teach cut letters and have them make a word out of it then paste it on the board. The first team finish will be the winner and get a price.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words in the context of entertainment.

The teacher will ask the students to read the given words then provide the Vietnamese translation of each given vocabulary. Then asks the class to answer the exercise 1 on page 61 and check it. Then call out random students to construct sentences using their own words on the board.

Task/ Discussion (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice and explore the target language.

The T will reinforce the activity through a brief discussion by pointing out a language skill like verb+ noun then brainstorm with the students by asking them to give their own examples and write it on the board. Then ask another set of students to construct sentences using the given examples.

Listening/ Inferring (5-7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to students to listen to an audio file an infer what is the conversation about.

The teacher will play the Listening file ( in exercise 2 and reinforce the lesson through additional discussion and brainstorming by asking the class to infer what is the conversation about still focusing and leading back to the vocabulary learned on Activity 1.

Deepening/ Matching Type (6-10 minutes) • To allow students to deepen and widen their vocabulary in the context of entertainment through matching type and spelling.

The T will show the S a photo then ask the class to match the words inside the box to the photos labelled 1-7 and check the activity. Then T will deepen the vocabulary retention by playing the audio file in Exercise 3 then asks random students to write their answer on the board.

Practice/ Homework (0-1 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language on page 61

The T will assign the class to answer Exercise 5 as homework.

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