Abdelrahman Mahmoud Abdelrahman Mahmoud

used to lesson
b2 level


in this lesson students will learn how to use used to and the difference between used to and be used to in the PPP method


Abc choose activity handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide review of the usage of used to and what differentiate it from be used to in the context of childhood memories

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of childhood memories


Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

ask Ss to work individually to write down two true statements and one false statement about their past habits in 3 minutes. Instructions: now work individually and write down two true statements and one false about your past habits and the rest of the class will guess which is the false one. you have 3 minutes. model: I used to play football. I used to ride a bike. I used to play piano. ICQs: so what are you going to do? are you going to work individually or in pairs? (individually) how much time do you have? (3 minutes) Feedback: each student will say the three statements and the rest of the class will try to guess which is the false one

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

clarify the meaning of the TL through the sentence ''I used to play football'' ask Ss some CCQs and use the time line. are we talking about the past or the present? (past) do I play football nowadays? (no) would I play football in the future? (maybe) drilling: make them notice that it's pronounced (usta) not (used to) elicit the negative form and the question form and clarify it. now clarify the meaning of (be used to) through the sentence ''I am used to playing football'' try to elicit the difference first then CCQs and use the time line. are we talking about the past or the present or both? (both) do I play football nowadays? (yes) drilling: give the students different subjects and the reform the sentence. elicit the negative form and the question form and clarify it. check Ss understanding of the difference between used to and be used to

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ask Ss to work in pairs to choose the correct answer in 4 minutes. Instructions: now work in pairs and choose the correct answers. you have 4 minutes. demo the first question ICQs: so what are you going to do? (choose) are you going to work individually or in pairs? (in pairs) how much time do you have? (4 minutes) Feedback: get the answers from the students as a whole class check understanding of the meaning

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

then and now activity: brainstorm with the students about things people used to do in the past but they are used to doing different things now then ask students to work in groups to write the three things people used to do and three things people are used to doing now instructions: Now in groups I want you to write down three things people used to do in the past and three things people are used to doing now. You have 5 minutes demo for them an example: people used to write litters, but now they are used to sending emails. ICQs: what are you going to do? (write three things people used to do and three things people are used to doing) are you going to work in groups or individually? (in groups) how much time do you have? (5 minutes) monitor and make notes of good language and errors Feedback: ask them to tell the sentences Do delayed error correction

wrap up (3-5 minutes) • to check students understanding of the lesson

Ask each student to give something new he learned today. give them the homework which is going to be an activity about their past habits and new habits that they gained. give them the instructions, model for them and ICQs

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