IELTS Speaking lesson
Intermediate, mixed level level
In this PPP type lesson students will recap some more complex lexical resources relating to the module's topic (Travel and Transport) and solidify their understanding via the controlled practice (online games and corresponding worksheets).
We will then move on to a quick recap of part 2 of the speaking text using some content from the Mindset 2 booklet.
They will then move on to a freer practice and be provided with speaking part 2 task cards with questions relating to Travel and Transport, then taking it in turns to practice delivering a part 2 'long turn' answer.
Main Aims
To familiarise students with the format of IELTS Speaking Pt 2 and allow them to practice speaking at length
Subsidiary Aims
To introduce more complex lexical resources related to the topic .
Procedure (45 minutes)
Vocabulary Introduction / recap (10 minutes) • Introduce higher band lexical recourses around topic
Use a name selector website to randomly choose a student / choose a volunteer to match up vocab plus definitions and write definitions on handout.
word wall online gap fill / worksheet (10 minutes) • Put new vocab into contexts
Students to complete word wall as a class and then individually or in pairs complete worksheet.
Recap / Overview of Part 2 (5 minutes) • To solidify Student's understanding of IELTS Speaking part 2
Quirk description of IELTS speaking part 2 plus some tips, tricks, advice etc Leading into production section of lesson (practicing test in pairs)
IELTS Speaking Part 2 practice (20 minutes) • To allow students to get use to the format of tast 2
Ss to work in pairs and practice part 2 of the IELTS Speaking tests.
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