How confident are you?
Upper Intermediate/ Advanced level
Main Aims
To provide listening practice for gist and detail in the context of learning about confidence
Subsidiary Aims
To review some difficult vocabulary that could prove to be a barrier in comprehension
Procedure (36-44 minutes)
-T greets students -T introduces the presentation and invites Ss to reflect on the topic "How confident are you?" by utilizing the following questions: *Can you think of a time when you lacked confidence in a situation? What specific factors made you feel that way? *Do you think confidence is something people are born with, or is it a skill that can be developed? Why? *How do you think body language and tone of voice influence how confident someone appears? Can you give examples of confident and unconfident behavior? (Ss will discuss amongst themselves, in the situation that only one S is available, S will then express their answers to the T)
MFP of the following words: 1. Perceive Meaning: To become aware of or understand something through the senses or the mind. In the text, it refers to how someone views or interprets another person. Classification: Verb Pronunciation: /pərˈsiːv/ 2. Precise Meaning: Exact, accurate, and clearly defined. In the text, it refers to being clear and specific when making a complaint. Classification: Adjective Pronunciation: /prɪˈsaɪs/ 3. Irritating Meaning: Causing annoyance, frustration, or slight anger. In the text, it refers to language that could provoke a negative reaction in the listener. Classification: Adjective Pronunciation: /ˈɪrɪteɪtɪŋ/ -Meaning: Ss will infer the meaning of the word from their previous knowledge by sharing what they think the words mean. (Use canva slides to introduce the words) Ss will participate collectively in the "Educaplay" game where they will have to match the columns of the word with its correct meaning. -Form: During the second part of the Educaplay Ss will have to properly match the form of the word with the correct word. -Pronunciation: Ss will repeat after T, each word will be repeated 2 times.
Ss listen to the first 49 seconds of the audio and discuss what they think will be the main idea of the text by answering the following question: *What do you think the people of the audio are talking about? 1. How confidence is something natural every human always has. 2. How different attitudes and behaviors can make communication difficult 3. How confidence and communication are affected by who we are speaking to
Ss will listen to the full audio recording. Ss will complete the quiz activity in Wordwall. T provides feedback on activity.
Ss will discuss the following questions: -How do you think being aware of someone's background, status, or experience can influence the way you communicate with them? -How do you personally find this balance between asking questions and talking when you're speaking to someone? -Reflecting on your own communication style, what do you think are your strengths and areas for improvement when interacting with others?
T will go over possible mistakes that occurred during the lesson. T will congratulate and provide positive comments that highlight the student's strengths.